Encode 2.5

Newest version for ZevenOS-Neptune & ZevenOS

Milestone information

Leszek Lesner
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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File Description Downloads
download icon encode_0.0.25-1ubuntu9_all.deb (md5) Natty version (with new ffmpeg based on libav-0.6.2) 1,117
last downloaded 62 weeks ago
download icon encode_0.0.25-1ubuntu8_all.deb (md5) New version with queue 611
last downloaded 66 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,728

Release notes 

Encode 2.5 with WebM (VP8) , H264 , Dirac and Queue support for encoding many files.


View the full changelog

* added support for newest ffmpeg 0.6.1 changes
 * deactivate audio video codec chooser if video audio are disabled
 * added libdirac support
 * added scrollview for small screensizes like eeepc701
 * made window resizable again
 * auto hide video properties & resize window when choosing audio container
 * removed profile view and profiles for old libvpx_vp8
 * added new about logo & logo source
 * mark video & audio codec red if you choose invalid seperators --
 * rearranged all widgets to fit better
 * fixed some strings cutted off
 * manually entered video & audio bitrate are recognized now and will be used for encoding
 * added queuelist for batch encoding
 * added commandline icon and replaced it with the encode icon in super encode
 * fixed commandline ffmpeg command being wrong for ogv container

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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