
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 31august2011 luna-oneiric None
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 27sep2011 luna-oneiric None
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 27august2011 luna-oneiric None
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 21july2011 luna-oneiric None live i686
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 19july2011 luna-oneiric None
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 18july2011 luna-oneiric 2011-07-18 i686 32bit
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 17july2011 luna-oneiric 2011-07-17 i686 live TORRENT
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 22june2011 luna-natty 2011-06-22 zsync file added. ftp server:
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 20june2011 luna-natty 2011-06-20 i686
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 13june2011 luna-natty 2011-06-13 i686 live 587mb
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 11june2011 luna-natty 2011-06-11 i686 live 587mb
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 09june2011 luna-natty 2011-06-09 i686 live 590mb
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 07june2011 luna-natty 2011-06-07 i686 live iso 560mb
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 06june2011 luna-natty 2011-06-06 i686 live iso 561mb
that old decommissioned daily builds Launchpad project 05june2011 luna-natty 2011-06-05 i686 live-iso 564mb