
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
fCalc preview "Preview" 2010 2009-12-29 In this milestone release we created main design of fCalc 2010
fCalc 5.61 "Stable Release 2" 2009.1 2009-11-21 Fixing bugs, improving probability. When calculating text in result label wil...
fCalc 5.60 "Stable Release 1" 2009.1 2009-11-16 First stable release of fCalc 2009.1. Version 5.60
fCalc rc "Release Candidate" 2009.1 2009-11-14 In this milestone release we will add to code tarball special build and insta...
fCalc beta-testing "Beta" 2009.1 2009-11-13 In this Beta we fixed some bugs. Testing continue
fCalc localization "Milestone 4" 2009.1 2009-11-04 In this milestone fCalc will be localized in some languages
fCalc alpha-testing "Alpha" 2009.1 2009-11-04 Now testing has been started
fCalc about-window "Milestone 3" 2009.1 2009-11-04 In this milestone will be added window "About" with information about fCalc 2...
fCalc general-functions "Milestone 2" 2009.1 2009-11-03 In this milestone will be added general functions such as "+", "-", "*", "/"
fCalc clear-function "Milestone 1" 2009.1 2009-11-01 In this milestone will added button "Clear" with his fuction