fortressdefender 0.9 series

This series attempts to be a playable "proof of concept" implementation. That means no fance graphics/sounds, and no hiscores. Just the bare game.

Series information

Project drivers:
Olof Bjarnason
Release manager:
Active Development
Project development focus:
is not the focus of development.
Release URL pattern:

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Code for this series

The following branch has been registered as the mainline branch for this release series:

26 revisions.

You can get a copy of the development focus branch using the command:
bzr branch lp://staging/fortressdefender

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Milestones and releases

13 of 3 results
Version Expected Released Summary
fortressdefender polished "Civil at last!" 2009-09-15 not yet released This Milestone includes a hiscore of some kind, making the game more social a...
Bugs targeted: 1 Confirmed
Blueprints targeted: 3 Unknown
fortressdefender enhanced "Happy Dog" 2009-08-25 not yet released This Milestone marks enhanced graphics and sound for, and a time/score mechan... Blueprints targeted: 2 Unknown
fortressdefender playable "Playful Cat" 2009-08-05 not yet released This Milestone marks that the game is playable but still raw; no hiscore, no ... Blueprints targeted: 1 Unknown, 1 Good progress
13 of 3 results

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All packages Distribution packaging

This series is not packaged in any distribution series.

This series contains Public information
Everyone can see this information.


0.9 does not have any download files.

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