
110 of 10 results
trunk series Focus of Development
Bugs targeted: 2 Triaged, 1 Fix Committed, 6 Fix Released
Blueprints targeted: None

The "trunk" series represents the primary line of development rather than a stable release branch. This is sometimes also called MAIN or HEAD.

1.1.4 series Obsolete
Latest releases:
Blueprints targeted: None

Branch of the frame release in Ubuntu 11.10

xenial series Active Development
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

Frame for Ubuntu 16.04

ubuntu series Obsolete
Blueprints targeted: None

Development packaging repository

saucy series Obsolete
Blueprints targeted: None

Maintenance branch for Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander)

raring series Obsolete
Blueprints targeted: None

Maintenance branch for Ubuntu 13.03 (Raring Ringtail)

precise series Supported
Bugs targeted: 1 Fix Released
Blueprints targeted: None

Packaging branch for the Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) release.

phablet series Active Development
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

changes to frame to support phablet

oneiric series Obsolete
Blueprints targeted: None

Packaging branch for the Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) release.

natty series Obsolete
Blueprints targeted: None

Ubuntu 11.04 packaging branch

110 of 10 results