GNU FriBidi is an implementation of the [WWW]Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (bidi) and Arabic Joining/Shaping.
The GNU FriBidi API is not finished yet, and the design is by no means set in stone.
GNU FriBidi is an implementation of the [WWW]Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (bidi) and Arabic Joining/Shaping.
The GNU FriBidi API is not finished yet, and the design is by no means set in stone. Right now the next goal is to add online bidi capability to GNU FriBidi. One of the main goals as a GNU project is for lots of projects to use it, so if you would not use it, mail us and say why - design, licensing, indentation style, we would rather know.
GNU FriBidi has no required dependencies, but the versions after 0.10.4 take advantage of Glib if available. The list of projects using GNU FriBidi is growing and they provide a wealth of examples of using the various APIs to learn from.
Trying out GNU FriBidi in sample applications is encouraged - we want to get it widely used and tested. It should be working pretty well these days, and when it isn't, bug reports are very welcome.
GNU FriBidi was formerly hosted on [WWW]sourceforg
Project information
- Licence:
- GNU LGPL v2.1
View full history Series and milestones
main series is the current focus of development.
All packages Packages in Distributions
fribidi source package in Xenial
Version 0.19.7-1 uploaded -
fribidi source package in Trusty
Version 0.19.6-1 uploaded -
fribidi source package in Precise
Version 0.19.2-1 uploaded -
fribidi source package in Oneiric based series for Ubuntu LEB
Version 0.19.2-1 uploaded -
fribidi source package in Mantic
Version 1.0.13-3 uploaded