Registered by Paul de Rosanbo

Gadael is a leave management web application. Leave requests, overtime recovery, hierarchical approval...

Gadael allows management of leave requests, working-time recovery requests, time saving accounts, different types of balance consumption for part-time workschedules. Several configurable levels of approval, display of calendars by services or personal calendars. Seniority rights, country specific rights, etc.

Administrators must set up leave rights and managers have to validate user requests. Roles may be cumulated if necessary.

The other strength of Gadael lies in the management of planning and the historization of what has been done. Changes in work schedules and leave right collections may be planned in advance and the balance of entitlements can be exported as it was at an earlier date.

This application is based on NodeJS, MongoDB and AngularJS.

Project information

Paul de Rosanbo
Paul de Rosanbo
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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