gcc-arm-embedded-misc pyocd-0.1

This is the first meta release we have for pyocd binary series, as we have cleaned up most of the pending bugs on the github. Please feel free to report bugs at Launchpad answer tab or github about any problem related to this meta release.

PyOCD is an Open Source python library or programming and debugging ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers using CMSIS-DAP.

This is a binary release version of PyOCD, which aims at providing a single on hand gdb server to the users. You can get PyOCD source code at https://github.com/mbedmicro/pyOCD.

The binary release is tracing the source trunk on the github, so if you meet any question to use it, please raise your questions there. The maintainer of this project will also help some issues at the github.

Up to now, we provide two version of binary release: Windows and Linux. Mac version hasn't been fully supported by PyOCD trunk.

Milestone information

Tony Wang
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
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No bugs are targeted to this milestone.

Download files for this release

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File Description Downloads
download icon license.txt (md5) license file 14
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
download icon HowToBuild.txt (md5) How to build PyOCD from source to single executable file 34
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
download icon pyocd_win.exe (md5) pyocd binary version for Windows 47
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
download icon pyocd_linux (md5) pyocd binary version for Linux 26
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
Total downloads: 121

Release notes 

This is our first meta release of pyocd binary, and this version should be expected as a more stable version. We've cleaned up most of the pending bugs and issues on the github. Feel free to raise any question on Launchpad answer pad or github about this meta release.

For detailed functionality of PyOCD, please visit the website: https://github.com/mbedmicro/pyOCD
How to Use:
* Under Windows cmd:
arm-none-eabi-gdb basic.elf
<gdb> target remote localhost:3333
<gdb> load
<gdb> continue
* Under Linux shell:
chmod +x pyocd_linux
arm-none-eabi-gdb basic.elf
<gdb> target remote localhost:3333
<gdb> load
<gdb> continue
You can launch this gdb server from the cmd line. From a GDB client, you have all the features provided by gdb:
load a .elf file
read/write memory
read/write core register
set/remove hardware breakpoints
high level stepping
This gdb server provide the following option:
"-p", "--port", help = "Write the port number that GDB server will open"
"-b", "--board", help = "Write the board id you want to connect"
"-l", "--list", help = "List all the connected board"
"-d", "--debug", help = "Set the level of system logging output, the available value for DEBUG_LEVEL: debug, info, warning, error, critical"
"-t", "--target", help = "Override target to debug"
Supported Platform:
This gdb server is mainly designed to support Mbed platform(https://mbed.org/platforms/) with CMSIS DAP Interface. Currently, we have supported following platform:

More and more target platform is under development, please refer to PyOCD github website and here for update release.
Known Issues:
* No semi-hosting and extended mode support available now.
* No flash verification available now. As PyOCD downloads through usb hid interface, which leads to a low download speed. So when downloading, no flash data verification is introduced.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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