News and announcements

0.4.0 Released

Written for git-ubuntu by Bryce Harrington on 2017-10-20

git-ubuntu 0.4 available in the edge channel

* Changes from 0.3 in the edge channel:

- Drop python self-tests from the snap (saves about 10M compressed). I
am still working on reducing it more, but to get a fully
self-contained Python environment at the exact versions we need for
python2 and 3 does just take up space. Hopefully I can spend some time
on ubuntutools to help bump them to Python3 only and we can drop
python2 before 18.04.

- `git ubuntu import` will not treat pristine-tar failures as fatal.
While this is non-ideal, we have several packages (git, util-linux,
etc.) where pristine-tar is unable to recreate the orig tarball(s). We
have reported them to Debian, but without any response so far (I
believe the Debian maintainership has changed recently). It is
non-fatal for `git ubuntu build` to not have pristine-tar, as it will
just fallback to downloading from Launchpad, if needed. Fixes LP:
#1654022, LP: #1699887.

- Fix a bug where `git ubuntu build` would fail to parse 'devel' in

- Fix a bug where `git ubuntu build` would attempt to use, e.g.,
'zesty-security' to determine a distribution rather than 'zesty'.

- Add a --lxd-image override to `git ubuntu build` which allows
specifying what LXD image to use during builds. This is necessary when
we cannot automatically determine the correct image.

- Bump python3 to 3.6.3 in the snap. No impact to our code, and the
python-3.6.2 tarball was throwing a 500 today.

- Fix a bug in `git ubuntu build` for the download cache not existing.

- Fix a bug in the git-worktree handling to properly prune temporary
worktrees on exit.

- Fix a a bug in the run() code to handle non-zero success return codes.

- Fix bugs in internal context managers when context-managed code
raises an Exception.

- General code cleanups, formatting adjustments.

* Test snap (currently at 0.4+git28.0d0fa6a)

Additionally, I have placed a snap at edge/test-fixes, with future
fixes that are still waiting on review. If you are willing to test
those, it can help us find bugs ahead of landing them in edge (and
allows you to try more experimental features).

To install this snap branch:

- sudo snap install --classic git-ubuntu --channel edge/test-fixes

If you already have git-ubuntu installed and want to try this branch:

- sudo snap refresh git-ubuntu --channnel edge/test-fixes

And to switch back to the stable channel,

- sudo snap refresh git-ubuntu --channel stable

The list of changes present in that snap branch are:

- Adjust the import algorithm to drop the publishing parent side of
the implementation.

- Fix a bug in `git ubuntu remote` with passing in a URL manually.

- Fix LP: #1719707, which allows for `git ubuntu remote add debian` to
add the Debian Vcs information from pkg/ubuntu/devel:debian/control to
the local repository as a remote.

- Add a hidden import flag to allow patches-applied failures (to
workaround historical patch application failures with modern tools).

- `git ubuntu review` will complain if reviewing a patches-applied MP.

- Fix the iteration over search list entries in `git ubuntu build`.

- Fix LP: #1717960, which allows for `git ubuntu build` to do a
quiltify (similar to dgit) when building upstream changes not yet
stored in a quilt patch and a changelogify when no changelog entry has
been added. This allows a drive-by contribute to do something roughly
like: `git ubuntu clone <srcpkg>; cd <srcpkg>; git cherry-pick
<upstream commit>; git ubuntu build` and get a .deb that has the fix
applied for testing. The resulting Git tree is made into a single
commit which can be then proposed for uploading, or, more likely,
fixed up.

- Fix LP: #1717964, which allows for `git ubuntu lint` to do linting
of changes that may have changes that need to be converted to quilt

- Fix LP: #1706979, which allows `git ubuntu build` to build arbitrary
Git commitishes. The default is HEAD.

My current plan is as the changes I've asked for review get approved,
they will get pushed to the edge snap, but this branch snap allows for
some early exposure to new functionality).

Nish Aravamudan nish.aravamudan at
Fri Oct 20 22:13:54 UTC 2017

Read more

0.3.0 Released

Written for git-ubuntu by Bryce Harrington on 2017-10-07

git-ubuntu 0.3 now building in the edge channel

Changes from 0.2.2 in the edge snap:

 - Fix LP: #1705542, to ensure that imported commits are not signed
(we don't have the uploaders' keys).

 - Fix LP: #1711174, which allows `git ubuntu lint` to verify that a
given bugfix is based off the correct branch.

 - Fix LP: #1718469, which fixes support for GIT_DIR.

 - Fix LP: #1718019, which ensures we only use Launchpad as a source
of publication data.

 - Fix LP: #1713530, which ensures we pass -v for Ubuntu merge builds.

 - Manpages are now available in the snap. To make them accessible
(for now), add

MANDATORY_MANPATH /snap/git-ubuntu/current/usr/share/man

to ~/.manpath. A future release will have, hopefully, a better mechanism.

- Fix LP: #1721128, which ensures we use the proper LXD image when
building, based upon the changelog distribution.

- Fix LP: #1721872, which ensures that debsign (gpg) is able to run
from within the snap.

- Fix LP: #1721899, which fixes `git ubuntu build` when not using LXD.

Nish Aravamudan nish.aravamudan at
Sat Oct 7 00:14:09 UTC 2017

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0.2.2 Released

Written for git-ubuntu by Bryce Harrington on 2017-09-29

0.2.2 Released

Written for usd-importer by Bryce Harrington on 2018-09-29

git-ubuntu 0.2.2 now available in the stable and edge channels

Apologies for the rapid turnaround. I ran into a few issues kicking
off the import job that runs regularly, due to the snap restructuring.

* Changes from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2:

- Bump launchpadlib dependency to 1.10.5 to fix an error with oauth on

- Build xdelta from source.

- Build launchpadlib from source to patch in a workaround for a
encoding error (LP: #1709573 and LP: #1685962 for context and tracking
it in upstream launchpadlib.)

- Fix snap install of xdelta3.

- Fix snap install of xz-utils.


Nish Aravamudan nish.aravamudan at
Fri Sep 29 23:18:28 UTC 2017

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0.2.1 Released

Written for git-ubuntu by Bryce Harrington on 2017-09-28

git-ubuntu 0.2.1 now available in the stable and edge channels

Hello all,

* Changes from 0.1 to 0.2:

- a LXD container is used by default with `git ubuntu build`/`git
ubuntu build-source` in order for build-dependencies to be installed
and `./debian/rules clean` to run. For now, we assume LXD is already
configured. If LXD is not desired, --no-lxd can be passed to

- The snap versioning is derived from the git tags and hashes.

- `git ubuntu lint` no longer clobbers the working tree

- Significant snap refactoring (our original intent was to release 0.2
last week, but this took a week to get done). The snap is now built on
16.04, rather than 17.10. Much of the dependencies are built from
source rather than using archive packages.

Changes from 0.2 to 0.2.1 (necessary because I jumped the gun on releasing 0.2):

- `git ubuntu merge` works in testing with the updated snap.

* General notes:

- Our hope is to do an update of the edge snap every week (this week
was lost due to the snap issues), at the same time the old edge snap
will get promoted to stable, so weekly updates. So although the snaps
report different versions in the store (due to git-merges after
backporting bugfixes to snap/stable), they are contentfully identical
(verifiable by `git diff snap/stable snap/edge` in the git-ubuntu

- Report bugs / feature requests, etc at:!

- I hope to spend some time next week getting a Trello board set up
that will have a better overview of the bug roadmap for 1.0.

- To install git-ubuntu:

sudo snap install --classic git-ubuntu

- To install the edge snap (only recommended for experienced
developers, as it might break :):

sudo snap install --classic --edge git-ubuntu

- To setup the manpage lookup via our snapped manpage vieiwer:

edit ~/.gitconfig with the following contents:

[man "git-ubuntu-man"]
    cmd =
    viewer = git-ubuntu-man
    viewer = man

Nish Aravamudan nish.aravamudan at
Thu Sep 28 22:49:30 UTC 2017

Updated . Read more

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