Gpredict 1.3

Gpredict version 1.3

Milestone information

Alexandru Csete
Release registered:
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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File Description Downloads
download icon gpredict-user-manual-1.3.pdf (md5) Gpredict 1.3 user manual 268
last downloaded 64 weeks ago
download icon gpredict-1.3.tar.gz (md5) Gpredict 1.3 source package 111
last downloaded 63 weeks ago
Total downloads: 379

Release notes 

- Feature request 2873824: Flip Passes.
- Feature Request 3022617: Malaysia's location.
- Automatically refresh the Sky at a glance view every minute.
- Added more checks with hamlib communications.
- List satellite as available or selected when configuring module.
- Fixed bug 2116691: Leave network connection open.
- Fixed bug 3099314: Rotator Thrashing.
- Fixed bug 2167508: problems in rotator controller.
- Fixed bug from Ubuntu #706452: Update from local files won't work with files in UPPER case
- Fixed bug 3171615: Searching for satellites in the satellite selector
- Fixed bug 3113190: .desktop file error
- Address bug 2945538: Pass in polar display going outside the circle (Improve the graphical portion.)


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0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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