Registered by Daniele Napolitano

A puzzle game similar to "Bejeweled" or "Diamond Mine"

Gweled is a GTK+ version of a popular PalmOS/Windows/Java game called "Bejeweled", originally written by Sebastien Delestaing. The aim of the game is to make alignment of 3 or more gems, both vertically or horizontally by swapping adjacent gems. The game ends when there are no possible moves left.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 0.9.1

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  • Gweled it's alive! on 2021-09-30
    Hi everybody, I don't know who reads anymore news here on Launchpad. Anyway.....
  • Gweled 0.9.1 released! on 2011-03-31
    And another version of Gweled was released. This new release features a new w...
  • Gweled has a new website on 2011-03-13
    With the help of Ivo Reumkens, we created the official website of Gweled: htt...
  • Gweled 0.9 released! on 2011-01-12
    I'm very glad to announce that Gweled 0.9 was released. I'm sorry for the use...
  • Gweled 0.8 released! on 2010-05-18
    I'm very glad to announce that a new version of Gweled is out after 5 years! ...