Haguichi 1.3.7 Released
Written for Haguichi by Stephen Brandt on 2017-03-30
Haguichi 1.3.7 bears improvements for drowsy computers and spry users:
* Implemented inhibitor to properly disconnect Hamachi when the computer goes to sleep and to reconnect on wake-up.
* Client side decorations are now used on Cinnamon desktops.
* Added support for dde-file-manager, deepin-terminal and uxterm.
* Added reconnect action to connection lost notifications.
* Added approve and reject actions to member joined notifications when manual approval is required.
* Reject actions are now reflected immediately in the network list.
* Now showing the client ID in the network list and notifications when nickname is unknown.
* Tweaked the sidebar layout.
* Updated Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Kazakh, Lithuanian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian translations.
* Other minor fixes, improvements and optimizations.