HoloPy is a python based tool for working with digital holograms and light scattering.
Development of holopy has moved to github:
Modern documentation of HoloPy is on readthedocts:
HoloPy provides easy tools to:
* Load and visualize images, and associate them with experimental metadata
* Reconstruct 3D volumes from digital holograms
* Do Scattering Calculations:
- Compute Holograms, electric fields, scattered intensity, cross sections, ...
- From spheres, clusters of spheres, and arbitrary structures (using DDA)
* Make precise measurements by fitting scattering models (based on the above structures) to experimental data.
HoloPy is intended to support research using holograms, especially soft matter (colloid) research. We hope it will become a standard for processing digital holograms. HoloPy welcomes contributions; join the mailing lists or email us if you would like to help out.
HoloPy is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CBET-0747625 and performed in the Manoharan Lab at Harvard University (http://
View full history Series and milestones
dev series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Bazaar
- Programming languages:
- python, fortran
All questions Latest questions
Is HoloPy parallel?
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How to get Holopy
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Electric field in the Z direction using Mie theory
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1631150: hp.load does not work
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Bug #1451655: propagate() fails with uninformative error
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Bug #1253710: HoloPy does not capture all of ADDA's output
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Bug #1251770: propagate does not expect images with both negative and positive pixels
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Bug #1229931: DDA does not agree with Mie for a sphere
All blueprints Latest blueprints
Switch to pillow for image io
Registered -
Switch to lmfit-py for minimization
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Just prior to starting a fit, the user should look at the hologram and the cluster structure of the guess. Let's make this easy.
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Define a Scatterer from another scatterer and just override some values
Registered -
Smarter computation of spherical Bessel functions for real arguments