Hugin 2011.2beta1

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Release notes 

Hugin-2011.2.0_beta1 RELEASE NOTES

Hugin is a panorama stitcher and more. A new version is available.


The purpose of the schedule is to make the process as predictable as possible
so that contributors can plan for their own contributions (e.g. translations
and bug fixes) and distributors can plan for the binary builds.

The schedule is just an indication. The release will happen when it is ready.


The 2011.2beta1 source tarball can be downloaded
* from sourceforge at

* from launchpad at

This is a source code release. For executables see below.

This tarball is equivalent to rev/changeset 5332:b5df442ec624 in our Mercurial
repository, where it is also tagged 2011.2beta1

Verify its SHA1SUM
ed32ac77b836bf0ae6aa43c8a368cf2df80e76ab hugin-2011.2.0_beta1.tar.bz2


Users communities produce executables for their respective platforms.

A number of users have built recent snapshots and executables are likely to be
announced within a few days of this tarball release.

Watch for the announcements of binary
releases. If you don't see a binary for your platform it has most likely not
been produced yet. Consider stepping up to the task. Instructions at

Announce your build on


New strings have been added. Now is a good time to help update your language.
Instructions at


I've been running most of the releases of the past two years. I will be
stepping down from this role latest September 6, 2011 because of other
time committments.

There is a possibility that 2011.2 will be left orphaned in the middle of
the release cycle, and Hugin needs volunteers to step in for future releases.

If you want to step up to the task, I will be happy to hand over to you
immediately and mentor you through this release process. Please contact us

The process is documented in detail at

And you can count on me mentoring you through it.


To promote artists using Hugin the project embellishes the
application's splash screen and the official release notes
on the Hugin web page with one artwork generated with Hugin
and selected by popular vote.

For this release, the runner up from the previous vote
will be used.

Users have contributed a number of interesting ideas to
the selection process for the future and a permanent
contribution and voting facility will be set up for
future editions.


Little time has passed since our last release and yet there is new major
functionality. Hugin has received a Python scripting interface and new
lens calibration tool. A critical bug affecting a significant number of
Mac users has been fixed and many general improvements have been made.

_Lens Calibration Tool_

Lenses are designed to follow a perfect geometric model. For rectilinear
lenses, a straight line in the depicted scene should be straight in the
picture. This is not always the case: most lenses have an inherent
deviation from the perfect model, resulting in imperfections such as
pincushion or barrel distortion in rectilinear lenses.

Adherence to the perfect geometric model is desirable for aesthetic purposes
and indespensible to achieve proper alignment when stitching images.
Hugin can calculate lens distortion parameters on the fly when optimizing
a project, however this requires more control points and more computational
effort than a project starting with a calibrated lens, and is prone to more

The new lens calibration tool calculates the distortion parameters of a
lens based on an input image. The input image must contain straight
lines, ideally many of them at different distances from the center of the
lens, covering at least 1/4 of the image. The calculated parameters are
valid for a given combination of focal distance, aperture (F-stop), and

The values, saved into a lens profile, can be used in Hugin to achieve
a better stitch, or on single images taken with this lens / settings
combination to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing outcome.

_Python Scripting Interface_

Hugin now exposes some of its data structure and functionalities through
a Python module. To get started with scripting, start your Python
interpreter and type:

   >>> import hsi
   >>> help (hsi)

Standalone Python programs can access a panorama object with Hugin's
functionality. It is possible to develop complete command line and
even GUI tools based on this module.

_Python Plugin Interface_

Hugin can now run Python scripts inside the application. In an enabled
Hugin binary, a new "Actions" menu gives access to system-wide plugins
distributed with Hugin. Moreover, plugins can be written, modified,
customized in the user's own directory.

Currently there are only a few plugins available, but we expect the
body of available plugins and functionality to grow organically as
the interface is being made available to the general public.

_Other Improvements_

* PTBatcherGUI has matured to become the default processor for
  stitching projects.
* ICC profiles saved in output.
* Support for newer Olympus camera.
* Improved auto cropping.
* Fix for critical issue affecting stitching on Mac OS X Leopard.
* Many more improvements and bug fixes.

_Libraries and Build_

The Python interface introduces new dependencies:
* SWIG >2.0
* Python

_Control point generators_

Since 2010.4 Hugin ships with its own control point generator CPFind.
Third-party generators are still supported through the plug-in architecture.
CPFind is the recommended control points generator and the only one that has
the endorsement of the Hugin project team.


Upgrading from previous versions of Hugin should be seamless. If you do have
problems with old settings, these can be reset in the Preferences by clicking
'Load defaults'.

It is strongly recommeded to set the default control point detector to
Hugin's CPFind.


For users compiling from source:
* Hugin uses the wxWidgets GUI toolkit version >=2.7.0.
  2.9 support is experimental. 2.8.11 is recommended.
* boost >=1.34 is required. The following boost libraries are used:
   * filesystem
   * graph
   * iostreams
   * regex
   * signals
   * system
   * thread
* Hugin requires a libtiff library with LZW support.
* Hugin depends on libpano13 version >=2.9.18
* Hugin requires GLEW the OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library,
  freeglut the OpenGL utility toolkit, and libGLU the OpenGL utility library.
* Building the Python module is optional. SWIG>2.0 and Python are required.
  To build it, configure BUILD_HSI=ON before compiling.
  The Python module is currently not supported on Mac OS X for lack of
  development resources but we hope to get it working during the current
  release cycle or shortly thereafter.
* On Linux/Unix systems, libaries are installed in a private location.
  This simplifies things for users who want to run multiple versions of Hugin
* On Linux/Unix systems, Hugin can be compiled with gcc-4.4.4, gcc-4.5.1,
  and gcc-4.6.
* On Windows, Hugin can be compiled with MSVC 2008 and MSVC 2010.
  The (free) Express Edition is enough, although it lacks OpenMP support.

For more information, see the README and INSTALL_cmake files and

Thanks to all the contributors to this release and members of the hugin-ptx
mailing list, too many to mention here.

Hugin can be found at and at


View the full changelog

2011-02-27 08:50 -0500 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (c27d2767632b)

  Bumped up version number

  > CMakeLists.txt
  > mac/Version.xcconfig

2011-02-27 08:58 -0500 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (26732503e5dd)

  Updated ChangeLog

  > ChangeLog

2011-02-27 16:00 +0100 dmakreshanski <email address hidden> (f1663f841086)

  grid checkbox now disables panosphere grid as well

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/ToolHelper.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/ToolHelper.h

2011-02-27 16:24 +0100 dmakreshanski <email address hidden> (7d0a3d8b9a8b)

  separated transparent semi transparent sphere from panosphere
  projection grid tool

  + src/hugin1/hugin/PanosphereSphereTool.cpp
  + src/hugin1/hugin/PanosphereSphereTool.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/ProjectionGridTool.cpp

2011-02-27 17:29 +0100 dmakreshanski <email address hidden> (14ed34ea2488)

  toggle buttons for images in fast preview now have variable width
  from 0-9, 10-99 and 100+

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp

2011-02-27 18:09 +0100 dmakreshanski <email address hidden> (b966fc504f32)

  memory free for the new panosphere_sphere_tool missed in previous

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp

2011-02-27 20:52 +0100 tmodes (a75bf1b21008)

  [Windows] Improved mouse event handling to get mouse wheel events in
  GLCanvas [725667]

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.cpp

2011-02-27 18:34 -0500 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (98d677602999)

  2011.0beta1 release notes

  + doc/releases/hugin-2011.0.0_beta1.txt

2011-02-27 21:21 -0500 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (d46e33136b9b)

  release notes for 2011.0beta2

  + doc/releases/hugin-2011.0.0_beta2.txt

2011-02-28 18:58 +0100 tmodes (00c4a9ed694f)

  Only probe active images with grey picker

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewColorPickerTool.cpp

2011-02-28 22:18 +0100 tmodes (c8a5cbef68c5)

  Remove unused files

  > src/hugin_base/CMakeLists.txt
  - src/hugin_base/algorithms/nona/NonaImageStitcher.cpp
  - src/hugin_base/algorithms/nona/NonaImageStitcher.h

2011-02-28 22:48 +0100 tmodes (3ed08b21b77b)

  Save also ICC profile in output [709561]

  > src/hugin_base/nona/Stitcher.h

2011-02-28 18:58 -0500 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (98653ef258be)

  CMake 2.8 is now required (Peter Suetterlin)

  > CMakeLists.txt

2011-02-28 19:06 -0500 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (561401a00cc2)

  Updated en_GB translation (Gareth Jones)

  > src/translations/en_GB.po

2011-02-28 19:06 -0500 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (464db7608fe8)

  Updated de translation (Carl von Einem)

  > src/translations/de.po

2011-02-28 20:28 -0500 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (2ce39763d5c3)

  edit of release notes draft for 2011.0beta3

  + doc/releases/hugin-2011.0.0_beta3.txt

2011-02-28 20:13 +0100 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (62021532ebe6)

  [OSX] lots of minor changes to XCode project to make it compilable
  again after many trunk changes

  > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

2011-03-01 12:57 +0100 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (758aa5e076ea)

  local merge neccessary

  + doc/releases/hugin-2011.0.0_beta3.txt
  > CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_base/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_base/nona/Stitcher.h
  > src/translations/de.po
  > src/translations/en_GB.po
  - src/hugin_base/algorithms/nona/NonaImageStitcher.cpp
  - src/hugin_base/algorithms/nona/NonaImageStitcher.h

2011-03-01 13:53 +0100 mcri (9f2028d8e929)

  Updated Italian translation

  > src/translations/it.po

2011-03-01 18:30 +0100 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (3accf12d8a20)

  Updated dutch translation

  > src/translations/nl.po

2011-03-01 19:34 +0100 tmodes (15a38d2dc3e7)

  Added small hints for using gray picker tool

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewColorPickerTool.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/preview_frame.xrc

2011-03-01 19:54 +0100 tmodes (f1c0b98e9ece)

  Small typo in german translation

  > src/translations/de.po

2011-03-01 19:55 +0100 tmodes (842824d33b0a)

  Fixes background color for wxWidgets 2.9

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreferencesDialog.cpp

2011-03-01 19:55 +0100 tmodes (4941adbe2ef7)

  Set explicit focus for main window for GTK Should improve keyboard

  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp

2011-03-01 21:04 +0100 tmodes (b1d007ca6815)

  Added reset crop button

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/preview_frame.xrc

2011-03-02 18:36 +0100 tmodes (f3a428981466)

  Fixes crash in gray color picker [727449]

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp

2011-03-06 14:15 +0100 tmodes (8c47403bf194)

  Draw panosphere above images and not below [726186]

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanosphereSphereTool.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanosphereSphereTool.h

2011-03-06 14:16 +0100 tmodes (76eed195797b)

  Fixes some color/intensity issue in overview window

  > src/hugin1/hugin/OverviewOutlinesTool.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanosphereSphereTool.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/TextureManager.cpp

2011-03-06 14:16 +0100 tmodes (a7775fb68068)

  Update layout scale also for overview window after switching mode

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp

2011-03-06 14:17 +0100 tmodes (fe15b679764f)

  Use bounding box for faster mask calculation This speeds up only
  masks which does not cover the whole image

  > src/hugin_base/panodata/Mask.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/Mask.h

2011-03-06 20:35 +0100 tmodes (2683c1a1ba37)

  Use external tclap library [703735] Patch by Andreas Metzler,
  extended for Windows

  + CMakeModules/FindTclap.cmake
  > CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_cpfind/CMakeLists.txt
  - src/foreign/tclap/Arg.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/ArgException.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/CmdLine.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/CmdLineInterface.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/CmdLineOutput.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/Constraint.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/DocBookOutput.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/HelpVisitor.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/IgnoreRestVisitor.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/MultiArg.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/MultiSwitchArg.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/OptionalUnlabeledTracker.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/StdOutput.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/SwitchArg.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/UnlabeledMultiArg.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/UnlabeledValueArg.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/ValueArg.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/ValuesConstraint.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/VersionVisitor.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/Visitor.h
  - src/foreign/tclap/XorHandler.h

2011-03-06 16:52 -0500 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (10a38df6dfa1)

  Fix syntax and formatting errors in the man pages (Andreas Metzler)

  > doc/align_image_stack.pod
  > doc/autooptimiser.pod
  > doc/celeste_standalone.pod
  > doc/deghosting_mask.pod
  > doc/fulla.pod
  > doc/hugin.pod
  > doc/hugin_hdrmerge.pod
  > doc/hugin_stitch_project.pod
  > doc/nona.pod
  > doc/nona_gui.pod
  > doc/pto2mk.pod
  > doc/tca_correct.pod
  > doc/vig_optimize.pod

2011-03-07 18:04 +0100 tmodes (c23f16903996)

  Fixes reset exposure on Lens panel The introduction of the
  CombinedPanoCommand in f71ccb911ead does not correctly reset the
  output exposure value of the panorama. Fixes this by an extra
  ResetMeanExposure PanoCommand.

  > src/hugin1/PT/PanoCommand.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.cpp

2011-03-07 18:05 +0100 tmodes (a5da0e2a507e)


  > doc/align_image_stack.pod
  > doc/autooptimiser.pod
  > doc/celeste_standalone.pod
  > doc/deghosting_mask.pod
  > doc/fulla.pod
  > doc/hugin.pod
  > doc/hugin_hdrmerge.pod
  > doc/hugin_stitch_project.pod
  > doc/nona.pod
  > doc/nona_gui.pod
  > doc/pto2mk.pod
  > doc/tca_correct.pod
  > doc/vig_optimize.pod

2011-03-09 20:24 +0100 tmodes (0950db079845)

  Updated hungarian translation (Lajos Höss)

  > src/translations/hu.po

2011-03-11 17:54 +0100 tmodes (67bd115d626b)

  Fixes metadata reading for newer Olympus cameras [732359] The used
  tag FocalPlaneDialog was moved into Equipment sub-directory. So try
  to read from this sub-directory.

  > src/hugin_base/panodata/SrcPanoImage.cpp

2011-03-10 13:57 +0100 Andreas Metzler <email address hidden> (b77711d62213)

  Use locally installed zthread library if available

  Search for locally installed zthread library. Use it if found, fall
  back to included copy otherwise.

  + CMakeModules/FindZThread.cmake
  > CMakeLists.txt
  > src/foreign/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_cpfind/cpfind/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_cpfind/localfeatures/CMakeLists.txt

2011-03-13 09:12 +0100 tmodes (fa7430102a98)

  Propose correct and valid filename for saving project and stitching

  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/huginApp.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/hugin_utils/utils.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/hugin_utils/utils.h

2011-03-13 09:14 +0100 tmodes (fc2731178ac1)

  More general approach for finding Tclap [703735]

  > CMakeModules/FindTclap.cmake

2011-03-13 15:26 +0100 tmodes (d621d594d74f)

  Fixes initialisation of overview window on Mac [731734]

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp

2011-03-13 14:27 -0400 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (f401770f93eb)

  no need to specify branch with --follow option of hg log

  > CMakeLists.txt

2011-03-13 20:18 +0100 tmodes (ee5fb7589240)

  Use default button size for image toggle buttons

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp

2011-03-13 18:55 -0400 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (759834790791)

  2011.0beta3 release notes

  > doc/releases/hugin-2011.0.0_beta3.txt

2011-03-14 19:25 +0100 tmodes (1ddd7511139f)

  Fixes scaling for full scale images [729720]

  > src/hugin_cpfind/cpfind/PanoDetectorLogic.cpp

2011-03-14 19:25 +0100 tmodes (ff5b5d0f94e3)

  Better error checking for commandline parameters

  > src/hugin_cpfind/cpfind/main.cpp

2011-03-14 19:31 +0100 tmodes (fd9de846ad5a)


  > doc/releases/hugin-2011.0.0_beta3.txt

2011-03-15 18:41 +0100 Lukas Jirkovsky <email address hidden> (3128adb98320)

  Fix the crash from bug #678697.

  According to the documentation the sample parameter is not used for
  PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG. In the case of LogLuv TIFF it actually triggers
  an assert.

  > src/foreign/vigra/vigra_impex/tiff.cxx

2011-03-15 20:14 +0100 tmodes (bcd628de3b10)

  More fixes for default filename Last path was missing in commit

  > src/hugin1/hugin/huginApp.cpp

2011-03-15 20:55 +0100 tmodes (654f6a92cefe)

  Fixes compression for exposure layers output

  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/panorama_makefile/PanoramaMakefilelibExport.cpp

2011-03-15 21:04 +0100 tmodes (f3248456096e)

  Better checking for tiff compression values

  > src/foreign/vigra/vigra_impex/imageinfo.cxx

2011-03-15 21:07 +0100 tmodes (3d1b1a183301)

  Fixes makefile if filename starts with hyphen [700283]

  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/panorama_makefile/PanoramaMakefilelibExport.cpp

2011-03-15 21:22 +0100 tmodes (c074efe924b6)

  Fixes numerical transform in individual drag mode [735136]

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp

2011-03-16 18:44 +0000 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (5a31d3b8d9e3)

  Updated Swedish translation (Ulf Wilhelmson)

  > src/translations/sv.po

2011-03-14 23:42 +0000 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (a190ee9fa1fb)

  Update manual from wiki, now approximately at 2011.0.0 level

  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Diffraction.html
  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Equirectangular_Panini.html
  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Panini.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Autooptimiser.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Cpfind.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Depth_of_Field.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Entrance_pupil.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Batch_Processor.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Control_Points_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_FAQ.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Fast_Preview_window.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Images_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Keyboard_shortcuts.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Main_window.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Optimizer_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Preferences.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Reset_Values_window.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Stitcher_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_translation_guide.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/NPP.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/No-parallax_point.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/PTOptimizer.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/PTtiff2psd.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Parallax.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Vignetting.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/pages.txt

2011-03-16 12:23 -0700 boyd (4eec77dbc07f)

  Fixes bug #712802, so that identify in the preview updates the
  overview and vice versa.

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewIdentifyTool.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewIdentifyTool.h

2011-03-15 20:29 +0100 tmodes (ee6d49e22b49)

  Updated help file for latest changes

  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/help_index_en.hhk
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/help_toc_en.hhc
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/hugin_help_en_EN.hhp

2011-03-18 20:08 +0100 Lukas Jirkovsky <email address hidden> (e2f7faa6c0e1)

  Add support for LogLuv TIFF loading.

  > src/foreign/vigra/vigra_impex/tiff.cxx

2011-03-18 20:08 +0100 Lukas Jirkovsky <email address hidden> (b06e46cd61a9)


  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewIdentifyTool.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewIdentifyTool.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/help_index_en.hhk
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/help_toc_en.hhc
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/hugin_help_en_EN.hhp

2011-03-18 20:23 +0100 Lukas Jirkovsky <email address hidden> (4153b967c41c)

  Move pixeltype setting to a more suitable place.

  > src/foreign/vigra/vigra_impex/tiff.cxx

2011-03-18 20:51 +0100 Lukas Jirkovsky <email address hidden> (50e927e84344)

  Revert part of the commit e2f7faa6c0e1 which actually breaks LogLuv
  TIFF support.

  > src/foreign/vigra/vigra_impex/tiff.cxx

2011-03-19 13:11 +0100 Lukas Jirkovsky <email address hidden> (e35148d60d5a)

  Remove unneeded include.

  > src/foreign/vigra/vigra_impex/tiff.cxx

2011-03-20 23:13 -0400 Matthew Petroff (e1e05e64c07b)

  Extensive changes to Windows install scripts to fix bug #723661
  (7za.exe is also no longer required to build installer).

  + platforms/windows/huginsetup/Plugins/AdvUninstLog-Readme.txt
  + platforms/windows/huginsetup/Plugins/AdvUninstLog.nsh
  > CMakeLists.txt
  > platforms/windows/huginsetup/HuginSetup_common.nsh
  > platforms/windows/huginsetup/Plugins/CMakeLists.txt
  - CMakeModules/Find7Zip.cmake
  - platforms/windows/huginsetup/Plugins/nsis7z.dll
  - platforms/windows/huginsetup/Plugins/nsisunz.dll

2011-03-20 23:59 -0400 Matthew Petroff (549c208b4d29)

  Forgot a line in previous commit to fix bug #723661.

  > CMakeLists.txt

2011-03-21 00:00 -0400 Matthew Petroff (4860901e59d7)

  Clean up Windows install script.

  > platforms/windows/huginsetup/HuginSetup.nsi
  > platforms/windows/huginsetup/HuginSetup_common.nsh
  > platforms/windows/huginsetup/TODO.txt
  - platforms/windows/huginsetup/HuginSetup_x32.nsi
  - platforms/windows/huginsetup/HuginSetup_x64.nsi

2011-03-21 18:22 +0100 tmodes (4ea03c7d0018)

  Fixes quoting of ampersand [679353]

  > src/hugin_base/makefilelib/Makefile.cpp

2011-03-21 18:23 +0100 tmodes (15c82d134eb3)

  Fixes quoting of single quote

  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/assistant_makefile/AssistantMakefilelibExport.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/panorama_makefile/PanoramaMakefilelibExport.cpp

2011-03-21 18:40 +0100 tmodes (8ae186caab1b)

  Updated brazilian portuguese translation (Luís Henrique Camargo

  > src/translations/pt_BR.po

2011-03-21 19:33 +0100 tmodes (e224ca2ffbb6)

  Don't install non-existing files

  > platforms/windows/huginsetup/CMakeLists.txt

2011-03-21 20:13 +0100 tmodes (a6ce4beb7f6c)

  Some cleanup of manual

  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Equirectangular_Panini.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Panini.html

2011-03-23 17:49 +0100 tmodes (aa3a955e9fa9)

  Fixes quoting of some more characters

  > src/hugin1/base_wx/platform.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/assistant_makefile/AssistantMakefilelibExport.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/panorama_makefile/PanoramaMakefilelibExport.cpp

2011-03-23 18:04 +0100 tmodes (2c1006ce6919)

  Reject also double quote

  > src/hugin1/base_wx/platform.cpp

2011-03-25 18:22 +0100 tmodes (c72925230442)

  Reject more characters

  > src/hugin1/base_wx/platform.cpp

2011-03-31 18:57 +0200 tmodes (f1d8bfe57602)

  Fixes renamed copyright file in panotools

  > CMakeModules/win_bundle.cmake

2011-03-31 18:57 +0200 tmodes (1dfe4db8f97f)

  Some code cleanup

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.h

2011-03-31 18:58 +0200 tmodes (920cf35c5a0b)

  Fixes some compiler warnings

  > src/hugin_base/makefilelib/Variable.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/makefilelib/Variable.h
  > src/hugin_cpfind/cpfind/PanoDetector.cpp
  > src/hugin_cpfind/localfeatures/CircularKeyPointDescriptor.cpp

2011-03-31 20:02 +0200 tmodes (83a530eea793)

  Correctly update identify tool after releasing control key

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewIdentifyTool.cpp

2011-04-28 21:04 +0200 tmodes (ee2552cff5cc)

  Don't close hugin if canceling save (after trying to close hugin
  with unsaved changes) [684702]

  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp

2011-04-28 21:04 +0200 tmodes (0eb0e2958707)

  Update CMakeFindExiv2 for 0.21

  > CMakeModules/FindExiv2.cmake

2011-04-28 21:06 +0200 tmodes (c40f6f7e5fd3)

  Little change to fix race condition

  > src/hugin_cpfind/cpfind/PanoDetector.cpp

2011-04-30 17:12 +0200 tmodes (dcbac52da361)

  Added calibrate_lens_gui Refactored and clean up lines detecting
  code Move some lens specific code into huginbasewx

  + src/hugin1/base_wx/LensTools.cpp
  + src/hugin1/base_wx/LensTools.h
  + src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/CMakeLists.txt
  + src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalApp.cpp
  + src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalApp.h
  + src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalFrame.cpp
  + src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalFrame.h
  + src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalImageCtrl.cpp
  + src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalImageCtrl.h
  + src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalTypes.cpp
  + src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalTypes.h
  + src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/calibrate_lens_gui_rc.rc
  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/lenscal_frame.xrc
  + src/hugin_base/lines/CMakeLists.txt
  + src/hugin_base/lines/FindLines.cpp
  + src/hugin_base/lines/FindLines.h
  + src/hugin_base/lines/FindN8Lines.cpp
  + src/hugin_base/lines/FindN8Lines.h
  + src/hugin_base/lines/LinesTypes.h
  > src/hugin1/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin1/base_wx/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/HFOVDialog.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/HFOVDialog.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_base/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_shared.h

2011-05-01 13:06 +0200 tmodes (21bc1b1a7c07)

  Fixes wrong icon

  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/calibrate_lens_gui_rc.rc

2011-05-01 13:20 +0200 tmodes (5d5581c68c4e)

  Fixes compilation on unix

  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalImageCtrl.cpp
  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalTypes.cpp
  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalTypes.h
  > src/hugin_base/lines/FindLines.cpp

2011-05-01 18:57 +0200 tmodes (c3f95c9f0dd2)

  Added copy and paste for masks

  > src/hugin1/hugin/MaskEditorPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MaskEditorPanel.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/mask_editor_panel.xrc

2011-05-01 19:58 +0200 tmodes (227b3a1a45fc)

  New mask type: exclude region from all images of the same lens

  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/mask_editor_panel.xrc
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/Mask.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp

2011-05-01 19:59 +0200 tmodes (109b9ec096fd)

  Fixes a warning in pano_trafo Unified intendation

  > src/tools/pano_trafo.cpp

2011-05-01 14:27 -0400 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (bdfc3684d805)

  added layers to splash screen SVG to enable separate rendering of
  bitmaps and compensate for Inkscape softness in rendering scaled

  > artwork-src/2010/splash/splash_with_artwork.svg

2011-05-01 21:31 -0400 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (e15e2477c72e)

  * Added 2011.0 splash screen by Jeff Boyd
  * Removed dedication from About dialog

  + artwork-src/2011.0-splash/2011.0.splash.svg
  + artwork-src/2011.0-splash/SeattleSunset.png
  + artwork-src/2011.0-splash/readme.txt
  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/intro.htm
  > src/hugin1/hugin/AboutDialog.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/AboutDialog.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/about.xrc
  - src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/about.txt

2011-05-01 21:32 -0400 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (ebdd3d9da0d2)


  > src/hugin1/hugin/MaskEditorPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MaskEditorPanel.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/mask_editor_panel.xrc
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/Mask.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp
  > src/tools/pano_trafo.cpp

2011-05-01 22:01 -0400 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (e85de31cbf04)

  clean CMake build from last commit

  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/CMakeLists.txt

2011-05-03 18:32 +0200 tmodes (5f80595c0c03)

  Change wxArray to std::vector for PTBatcherGUI wxArray did not work

  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/FindPanoDialog.cpp
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/FindPanoDialog.h

2011-05-05 22:50 +0200 tmodes (f7b69c60fced)

  Show extent of active mask and crop in mask editor

  > src/hugin1/hugin/MaskEditorPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MaskEditorPanel.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MaskImageCtrl.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MaskImageCtrl.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MaskLoadDialog.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/mask_editor_panel.xrc

2011-05-09 22:32 -0400 Matthew Petroff (803220640024)

  Fixes display of image cache memory on Windows (bug# 761231).

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreferencesDialog.cpp

2011-05-10 07:50 -0400 Yuv Mobile <email address hidden> (085b637a788d)

  Fixes 4096 image cache memory limit on Windows by working around
  wxWidgets DWORD/QWORD limitation (part 2 of bug#761231)

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreferencesDialog.cpp

2011-05-10 20:06 -0400 Matthew Petroff (70ef7413d9eb)

  Fixes image cache memory limit of 4095 MB on Windows (bug #761231,
  part 3).

  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreferencesDialog.cpp

2011-05-15 23:07 +0900 Masahiro Kitagawa <email address hidden> (9b30831bba3b)

  updated Japanese translation

  > src/translations/ja.po

2011-05-15 19:44 -0400 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (0c54046c2359)

  release notes for 2011.0.0_rc1

  + doc/releases/hugin-2011.0.0_rc1.txt

2011-05-18 10:25 +1000 Terry Duell <email address hidden> (b7b7c4cbbfd0)

  Install calibrate_lens_gui.desktop on linux

  + src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/calibrate_lens_gui.desktop
  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/CMakeLists.txt

2011-05-18 20:13 +0200 tmodes (22f217f27d83)

  Merge with python_scripting

  + src/hugin_script_interface/CMakeLists.txt
  + src/hugin_script_interface/README.hsi
  + src/hugin_script_interface/
  + src/hugin_script_interface/hpi.cpp
  + src/hugin_script_interface/hpi.h
  + src/hugin_script_interface/
  + src/hugin_script_interface/hpi_classes.h
  + src/hugin_script_interface/hsi.i
  + src/hugin_script_interface/
  > CMakeLists.txt
  > CMakeModules/FindExiv2.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindJPEG.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindPNG.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindTIFF.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindZLIB.cmake
  > CMakeModules/win_bundle.cmake
  > authors.txt
  > src/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/foreign/flann/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/foreign/flann/algorithms/all_indices.h
  > src/foreign/flann/algorithms/autotuned_index.h
  > src/foreign/flann/algorithms/composite_index.h
  > src/foreign/flann/algorithms/dist.h
  > src/foreign/flann/algorithms/kdtree_index.h
  > src/foreign/flann/algorithms/kdtree_single_index.h
  > src/foreign/flann/algorithms/kmeans_index.h
  > src/foreign/flann/algorithms/linear_index.h
  > src/foreign/flann/flann.cpp
  > src/foreign/flann/flann.h
  > src/foreign/flann/flann.hpp
  > src/foreign/flann/flann_cpp.cpp
  > src/foreign/flann/flann_mpi.hpp
  > src/foreign/flann/general.h
  > src/foreign/flann/io/hdf5.h
  > src/foreign/flann/nn/ground_truth.h
  > src/foreign/flann/nn/index_testing.h
  > src/foreign/flann/util/allocator.h
  > src/foreign/flann/util/logger.cpp
  > src/foreign/flann/util/logger.h
  > src/foreign/flann/util/matrix.h
  > src/foreign/flann/util/pair_iterator.hpp
  > src/foreign/flann/util/random.h
  > src/foreign/flann/util/result_set.h
  > src/foreign/flann/util/saving.h
  > src/foreign/vigra/vigra_impex/png.cxx
  > src/hugin1/PT/PanoCommand.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/huginApp.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/huginApp.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/wxPanoCommand.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/wxPanoCommand.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/main_menu.xrc
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/PTBatcherGUI.cpp
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/PTBatcherGUI.h
  > src/hugin_base/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/basic/CalculateCPStatistics.h
  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/nona/FitPanorama.h
  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/panorama_makefile/PanoramaMakefilelibExport.h
  > src/hugin_base/hugin_math/Vector3.h
  > src/hugin_base/hugin_math/hugin_math.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/ControlPoint.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/ImageVariableGroup.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/Lens.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/PanoramaData.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/PanoramaVariable.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/SrcPanoImage.h
  > src/hugin_base/panotools/PanoToolsInterface.h

2011-05-18 20:26 +0200 tmodes (e06c3eaccd86)

  Fixes install of python related files on Linux

  > src/hugin_script_interface/CMakeLists.txt

2011-05-18 21:20 +0200 tmodes (5fb6b2a03524)

  Fixes typo

  > src/foreign/flann/general.h

2011-05-18 21:49 +0200 tmodes (48c4acf52307)

  Correct return value of wxConnection::OnRequest for wxWidgets 2.8

  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/PTBatcherGUI.cpp

2011-05-19 21:00 +0200 tmodes (185fc6105646)

  Allow disabling/enabling of individual lines in calibrate_lens_gui
  Use left/right mouse button

  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalFrame.h
  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalImageCtrl.cpp
  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalImageCtrl.h
  > src/hugin_base/lines/LinesTypes.h

2011-05-19 21:00 +0200 tmodes (92e62f736a64)


  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/PTBatcherGUI.cpp

2011-05-20 20:10 +0200 tmodes (550598406a1f)

  Improved mouse handling for calibrate_lens_gui

  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalFrame.h
  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalImageCtrl.cpp
  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalImageCtrl.h

2011-05-21 09:06 +0200 tmodes (a307c1de383b)

  Moved sample scripts into plugin sub-directory

  + src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/CMakeLists.txt
  + src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/README_woa.txt
  + src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  + src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  + src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  + src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  > src/hugin_script_interface/CMakeLists.txt
  - src/hugin_script_interface/
  - src/hugin_script_interface/

2011-05-21 09:31 +0200 tmodes (c264b1c7f03a)

  Updated README for python scripting

  + src/hugin_script_interface/README_hsi.txt
  > INSTALL_cmake
  - src/hugin_script_interface/README.hsi

2011-05-21 11:36 +0200 tmodes (5cb5a33d8d5b)

  Show correctly focal length in calibrate_lens_GUI [7860359]

  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalFrame.cpp

2011-05-22 09:48 +0200 tmodes (bbf8b0748de1)

  Improved finding of crop area [702135] Patch by Vladimir Nadvornik

  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/basic/CalculateOptimalROI.cpp

2011-05-22 10:33 +0200 tmodes (e66f8552d4e7)

  Several changes to hugin_script_interface
  * converted comments into missing doxygen statements
  * separated declaration and definition of classes
  * changed indent to 4 spaces
  * write debug statements to stdout instead of stderr if it is a

  + src/hugin_script_interface/hpi_classes.cpp
  > src/hugin_script_interface/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_script_interface/hpi.cpp
  > src/hugin_script_interface/hpi.h
  > src/hugin_script_interface/hpi_classes.h

2011-05-22 20:22 +0200 tmodes (900d835cf818)

  Improved progress messages of cpfind

  > src/hugin_cpfind/cpfind/PanoDetector.cpp
  > src/hugin_cpfind/cpfind/PanoDetector.h

2011-05-22 20:22 +0200 tmodes (8319a2dc456e)

  Added little version hint for swig

  > src/hugin_script_interface/README_hsi.txt

2011-05-22 16:23 -0400 Yuv Mobile <email address hidden> (e564457d5254)

  updated README - section 2 still needs to be updated with an updated
  list of tools


2011-05-22 16:26 -0400 Yuv Mobile <email address hidden> (38ac5ca1eaad)

  removed outdated and redundant README_WINDOWS file


2011-05-22 20:24 -0400 Yuv Mobile <email address hidden> (b6e202076fe1)

  fix generic name in Linux desktop entry for Hugin Calibrate Lens

  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/calibrate_lens_gui.desktop

2011-05-23 18:19 +0200 tmodes (92a1b9a20fbe)

  Correct dependencies in README


2011-05-24 08:50 +0200 Kornel Benko <email address hidden> (967c53582af3)

  Adapt to ubuntu 11.4

  > CMakeLists.txt
  > CMakeModules/FindExiv2.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindGLEW.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindGLUT.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindJPEG.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindLAPACK.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindOpenEXR.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindPANO13.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindPNG.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindTIFF.cmake
  > CMakeModules/FindZLIB.cmake

2011-05-24 13:27 +0200 Bart van Andel <email address hidden> (cd9cb5ee3f3b)

  Fix smartblend-hugin.bat to remove '--' argument separator

  > platforms/windows/smartblend-wrapper/smartblend-hugin.bat

2011-05-24 08:34 -0400 Yuv Mobile <email address hidden> (d56cc6b2e7a8)

  added credits for FreeBSD port

  > authors.txt

2011-05-24 20:17 +0200 Kornel Benko <email address hidden> (83c965393b52)

  Missed this one while adapting to debian multi architecture. Spotted
  by Andreas Metzler

  > CMakeModules/FindGLUT.cmake

2011-05-24 21:57 +0200 tmodes (f00957574874)

  Updated doxygen documentation after the latest changes

  + src/hugin_script_interface/README.dox
  > src/dox/folder.dox
  > src/dox/mainpage.dox

2011-05-26 20:01 -0400 Yuv Mobile <email address hidden> (cf32c5e0ec6c)

  * unified Changelog style (the same command was yielding different
  results under Lucid and Natty)
  * updated Changelog

  > CMakeLists.txt
  > ChangeLog

2011-05-26 20:01 -0400 Yuv Mobile <email address hidden> (277c91976ed3)

  2011.0.0_rc2 release notes

  + doc/releases/hugin-2011.0.0_rc2.txt

2011-05-27 19:59 +0200 tmodes (8f71e93e5592)

  Extended checkpto based on parts.cpp from Jim Watters

  > src/tools/checkpto.cpp

2011-05-27 20:01 +0200 tmodes (2f64259cad1c)


  + doc/releases/hugin-2011.0.0_rc2.txt
  > CMakeLists.txt
  > ChangeLog

2011-05-27 20:29 +0200 tmodes (32055f79a8aa)

  Allow skipping of optimisation of whole panorama for cpclean This
  will use the current values of the image positions/image variables

  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/control_points/CleanCP.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/control_points/CleanCP.h
  > src/tools/cpclean.cpp

2011-05-28 09:44 +0200 tmodes (5c3f97f80c1b)

  Fixes typos

  > src/hugin1/hugin/wxPanoCommand.cpp
  > src/hugin_script_interface/hpi.cpp
  > src/hugin_script_interface/hpi.h
  > src/hugin_script_interface/hpi_classes.cpp
  > src/hugin_script_interface/hpi_classes.h

2011-05-28 11:59 +0200 mcri (06addb5595a4)

  Updated Italian translation

  > src/translations/it.po

2011-05-29 19:39 +0200 Kornel Benko <email address hidden> (bf40d97f00ef)

  Use debian scripts to get package dependences Unfortunatelly
  extremly slow for hugin.

  > CMakeLists.txt

2011-05-29 14:57 -0400 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (696461b22093)

  Added tag 2011.0.0 for changeset 67a96ebdac74

  > .hgtags

2011-05-29 15:58 -0400 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (13dd690b1ce1)

  2011.0.0 release notes

  + doc/releases/hugin-2011.0.0.txt

2011-05-30 19:11 +0200 tmodes (4a0af7cb1b1a)

  Some more typo fixed

  > src/hugin_script_interface/README.dox

2011-05-30 19:20 +0200 tmodes (be1c5999a76d)

  Added stack detection to automatic pano finder in PTBatcherGUI

  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/batch_frame.xrc
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/FindPanoDialog.cpp
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/FindPanoDialog.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/ImageVariableTranslate.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/SrcPanoImage.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/image_variables.h

2011-05-30 23:38 +0100 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (cb982d48cc25)

  Russian translation update (Alexandre Prokoudine)

  > src/translations/ru.po

2011-05-31 17:39 +0200 tmodes (e8b813e66b28)

  Fixes slow display of images in mask panel if working remote

  > src/hugin1/hugin/MaskImageCtrl.cpp

2011-05-31 18:58 +0200 tmodes (20ca0c4591c6)

  Fixes incorrect drawn mask overlay

  > src/hugin1/hugin/MaskImageCtrl.cpp

2011-05-31 13:07 -0400 Matthew Petroff (a8a643ba8a55)

  Added shortcuts on Windows for Batch Processor and Calibrate Lens

  > platforms/windows/huginsetup/HuginSetup_common.nsh

2011-05-31 18:19 +0100 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (35a4301fc47c)

  Minor improvements to .hgignore

  > .hgignore

2011-05-31 13:16 -0400 Matthew Petroff (60b501fdd641)

  Added CMake directives to install smartblend wrapper on Windows.

  + platforms/windows/smartblend-wrapper/CMakeLists.txt
  > platforms/windows/CMakeLists.txt

2011-05-31 13:20 -0400 Matthew Petroff (edceb4565e74)


  > .hgignore

2011-05-31 23:19 +0100 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (540cca70028d)

  backport wiki CSS from 2011.0.0

  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/manual.css
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/

2011-05-31 23:28 +0100 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (b1083a690f94)

  Update manual from wiki

  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/200px-Hugin-2011.0_fpw_overview.png
  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/5a12c95d04637539015c2d09b5002204.png
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/16bit.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/16bit_workflow_with_hugin.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Aliasing.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Align_a_stack_of_photos.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Align_image_stack.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Alpha_channel.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Aspect_Ratio.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Autooptimiser.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Autopano-sift-C.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Autopano-sift.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Autopano.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Banding.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Barrel_distortion.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Bracketing.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/CCD.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Camera_response_curve.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Celeste_standalone.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Chromatic_aberration.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Color_correct_tiff.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Colour_profile.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Contrast.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Control_Point_Detector_Parameters.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Control_point_generators.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Control_points.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Cpclean.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Cpfind.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Crop_factor.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Cropped_TIFF.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Cubic.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Cubic_Projection.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Cylindrical.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Cylindrical_Projection.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Cylindrical_panorama.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/DSLR_spherical_resolution.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Depth_of_Field.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Diffraction.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Dust_Removal_with_Flatfield.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Dynamic_range.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/EXIF.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Enblend.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Enblend_reference_manual.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Enfuse.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Enfuse_reference_manual.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Entrance_pupil.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Equirectangular.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Equirectangular_Panini.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Equirectangular_Projection.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Field_of_View.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Fisheye_Projection.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Focal_Length.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Freepv.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Fulla.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/GIF.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Gamma.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/HDR.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/HDR_workflow_with_hugin.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Horizontal_control_points.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Assistant_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Batch_Processor.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Camera_and_Lens_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Control_Points_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Control_Points_table.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Crop_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Exposure_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_FAQ.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Fast_Preview_window.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Images_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Keyboard_shortcuts.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Main_window.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Mask_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Optimizer_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Parameters_for_Control_Point_Detectors_dialog.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Preferences.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Preview_window.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Reset_Values_window.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Stitcher_tab.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Trackers.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_stitch_project.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_translation_guide.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Icpfind.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Interpolation.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/JPEG.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Landscape.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Lens_correction_model.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Lens_distortion.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Lightprobe.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/MatchPoint.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/NPP.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Nadir.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/No-parallax_point.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Nodal_Point.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Nona.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Nona_gui.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/OpenEXR.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Optimization.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/PNG.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/PPI.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/PSD.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/PTOptimizer.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/PTStitcher.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/PTblender.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/PTmender.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/PTtiff2psd.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Panini.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Pano12.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Pano_modify.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Panoglview.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Panoinfo.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Panomatic.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Panorama.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Panorama_formats.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Panorama_scripting_in_a_nutshell.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Panorama_tools.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Panotools.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Parallax.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Perspective_correction.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Perspective_distortion.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Pfstmo.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Pincushion_distortion.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Pitch.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Portrait.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Projections.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Pto2mk.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Pto_merge.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/QTVR.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Qtvr2img.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/RAW.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/RGBE.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Rectilinear_Projection.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Roll.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/SmartBlend.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Spherical.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Stereographic_Projection.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Straight_line_control_points.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Swing_rod.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/TIFF.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Tca_correct.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/The_General_Panini_Projection.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Tone_mapping.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Using_Celeste_with_hugin.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Vertical_control_points.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Vig_optimize.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Vignetting.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Wavy_distortion.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Yaw.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Zenith.html

2011-06-01 17:09 +0200 tmodes (35dc152b3eb1)

  Removed calibrate_lens calibrate_lens is replaced by
  calibrate_lens_gui Also removed foreign/ANN lib because it is not
  needed any more

  > src/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/foreign/CMakeLists.txt
  - src/foreign/ANN/ANN.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/ANN.h
  - src/foreign/ANN/ANNperf.h
  - src/foreign/ANN/ANNx.h
  - src/foreign/ANN/CMakeLists.txt
  - src/foreign/ANN/Copyright.txt
  - src/foreign/ANN/License.txt
  - src/foreign/ANN/ReadMe.txt
  - src/foreign/ANN/bd_fix_rad_search.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/bd_pr_search.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/bd_search.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/bd_tree.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/bd_tree.h
  - src/foreign/ANN/brute.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_dump.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_fix_rad_search.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_fix_rad_search.h
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_pr_search.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_pr_search.h
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_search.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_search.h
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_split.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_split.h
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_tree.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_tree.h
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_util.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/kd_util.h
  - src/foreign/ANN/perf.cpp
  - src/foreign/ANN/pr_queue.h
  - src/foreign/ANN/pr_queue_k.h
  - src/lens_calibrate/CMakeLists.txt
  - src/lens_calibrate/Globals.cpp
  - src/lens_calibrate/Globals.h
  - src/lens_calibrate/HermiteSpline.c
  - src/lens_calibrate/HermiteSpline.h
  - src/lens_calibrate/Main.cpp
  - src/lens_calibrate/MapPoints.cpp
  - src/lens_calibrate/MapPoints.h
  - src/lens_calibrate/ProcessImage.cpp
  - src/lens_calibrate/ProcessImage.h
  - src/lens_calibrate/README
  - src/lens_calibrate/Straighten.cpp
  - src/lens_calibrate/Straighten.h
  - src/lens_calibrate/find_N8_lines.cpp
  - src/lens_calibrate/find_N8_lines.h
  - src/lens_calibrate/lensFunc.cpp
  - src/lens_calibrate/lensFunc.h
  - src/lens_calibrate/lensFunc_glue.h
  - src/lens_calibrate/test_lensFunc.cpp

2011-06-01 18:15 +0200 tmodes (fa7d7b41a430)

  Added new pages to manual

  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Calibrate_lens_gui.html
  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Checkpto.html
  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Scripting_Interface.html
  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Illustration4.png
  + src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Stitching_a_photo-mosaic.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_FAQ.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/help_index_en.hhk
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/help_toc_en.hhc
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/hugin_help_en_EN.hhp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/pages.txt

2011-06-01 18:15 +0200 tmodes (8f4bf5ea1f50)

  Renamed image chains to image groups in checkpto

  > src/tools/checkpto.cpp

2011-06-01 21:56 +0100 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (1f5ae8096dcb)

  Remove pod/man documentation for calibrate_lens

  - doc/calibrate_lens.pod

2011-06-02 10:33 +0200 tmodes (3f8aa8ea11c9)

  Skip empty lines when reading pto files

  > src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp

2011-06-02 10:35 +0200 tmodes (fa2fb5b9e2d9)

  CPEditor: Delete control points in rectangle selected with
  Ctrl+right mouse button

  > src/hugin1/hugin/CPEditorPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/CPImageCtrl.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/CPImageCtrl.h

2011-06-02 10:46 +0200 tmodes (b17bf4060548)

  Removed obsolete files

  > src/hugin1/hugin/CPEditorPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/CPEditorPanel.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/CPImageCtrl.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/CPImageCtrl.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/NonaOptionsDialog.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.h
  - src/hugin1/hugin/AnchorPositionCtrl.h
  - src/hugin1/hugin/CPEditorPanelHandler.h
  - src/hugin1/hugin/CPFineTuneFrame.cpp
  - src/hugin1/hugin/CPFineTuneFrame.h
  - src/hugin1/hugin/CPZoomDisplayPanel.cpp
  - src/hugin1/hugin/CPZoomDisplayPanel.h
  - src/hugin1/hugin/ImageProcessing.h
  - src/hugin1/hugin/StitcherPanel.h
  - src/hugin1/hugin/UniversalCursor.cpp
  - src/hugin1/hugin/UniversalCursor.h
  - src/hugin1/hugin/config.h.tmpl
  - src/hugin1/hugin/win_prep.h

2011-06-03 12:56 +0200 tmodes (1c2fa7b5b83e)

  Added tray/taskbar icon for PTBatcherGUI

  + src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchTrayIcon.cpp
  + src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchTrayIcon.h
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/Batch.cpp
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/Batch.h
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchFrame.h
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/CMakeLists.txt

2011-06-03 22:11 -0400 Yuv Mobile <email address hidden> (5e95326204c1)

  * streamline project dispatch to stitch
  * preference choice between PTBatcherGUI (default) and
  hugin_stitch_project (legacy)

  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreferencesDialog.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreferencesDialog.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/config_defaults.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/main_menu.xrc
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/pano_panel.xrc
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/pref_dialog.xrc

2011-06-04 10:18 +0200 tmodes (a006a81a7577)

  Modification to preferences dialog
  * New options were truncated
  * Some controls were not accessable -> moved some controls to new tab

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreferencesDialog.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/pref_dialog.xrc

2011-06-04 10:24 +0200 tmodes (8d7852fcb8eb)

  Ask for output prefix before sending to PTBatcherGUI

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/config_defaults.h

2011-06-04 10:37 +0200 tmodes (453fc49bd0fc)

  Save project before sending to PTBatcherGUI only if project was

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.cpp

2011-06-04 10:51 +0200 tmodes (4bdbb226cdb2)

  Assistant should also respect setting regarding processing engine

  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp

2011-06-04 11:09 +0200 tmodes (dcc30f32f883)

  Hide verbose output if minimizing window to taskbar/tray icon

  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchFrame.h
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchTrayIcon.cpp

2011-06-04 11:51 +0200 tmodes (50b4daa005a3)

  Allow starting of minimized PTBatcherGUI

  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchFrame.h
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/PTBatcherGUI.cpp

2011-06-04 16:19 +0200 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (4ac7e44431c7)

  [OSX] Lots of minor project changes due to new changes

  > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  > mac/

2011-06-05 10:41 +0200 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (ca509eb969a5)

  [OSX] Update project and add lens_calibrate_gui as new application

  + mac/lens_calibrate_gui-Info copy.plist
  + mac/
  > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  > mac/nona_gui-Info.plist
  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalApp.cpp

2011-06-05 12:19 +0200 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (8fea7876525d)

  [OSX] Some cleanup actions w.r.t. lens_calibrate_gui and project

  > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  > mac/lens_calibrate_gui-Info copy.plist
  > mac/
  > mac/
  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalApp.cpp

2011-06-05 08:35 -0400 Yuv Mobile <email address hidden> (868a9b2d0977)

  generalized Python libraries location for more Linux distros.

  > src/hugin_script_interface/CMakeLists.txt

2011-06-05 14:52 +0200 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (bed24c852d26)

  [OSX] First steps to create Mac installer to combine Hugin,
  PTBatcherGui and lens_calibrate_gui as inter related bundles instead
  of completely portable standalone bundles to shrink overall size
  from 420MB to 170MB

  + mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/01ptbatchergui-contents.xml
  + mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/01ptbatchergui.xml
  + mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/02lens-contents.xml
  + mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/02lens.xml
  + mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/03hugin-contents.xml
  + mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/03hugin.xml
  + mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/index.xml
  + mac/
  > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  > mac/

2011-06-05 18:45 +0200 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (fbb7ba528db8)

  [OSX] change packagemaker project type for installer

  + mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmproj
  - mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/01ptbatchergui-contents.xml
  - mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/01ptbatchergui.xml
  - mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/02lens-contents.xml
  - mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/02lens.xml
  - mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/03hugin-contents.xml
  - mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/03hugin.xml
  - mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmdoc/index.xml

2011-06-05 22:09 +0200 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (5b0431399989)

  [OSX] PTBatcherGui is now correctly called w.r.t. how additional
  args should be added to an open App call

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.cpp

2011-06-06 17:32 +0200 tmodes (5baf0a016311)

  Show balloon only if window is minimized Don't show ballon on MacOS
  because it gets the focus and can't be closed.

  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchFrame.cpp

2011-06-06 18:14 +0200 tmodes (5ab6e667983b)

  Added overwrite option to hugin_stitch_project

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreferencesDialog.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/pref_dialog.xrc
  > src/hugin1/stitch_project/hugin_stitch_project.cpp

2011-06-06 19:07 +0200 tmodes (e5138c522394)

  Check for installed Python interpreter before calling it

  > src/hugin_script_interface/CMakeLists.txt

2011-06-06 20:18 +0200 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (6bc92bf521eb)

  [OSX] repair my mistake in Panopanel.cpp

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.cpp

2011-06-07 21:02 +0200 tmodes (43043d2742e4)

  Fixes bug which prevented removing projects from PTBatcherGUI on

  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/ProjectListBox.cpp

2011-06-08 18:48 +0200 tmodes (8b8d6f6757ff)

  Fixes crash in lens_calibrate_gui if image size < resize_dimension

  > src/hugin_base/lines/FindLines.cpp

2011-06-08 18:55 +0100 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (895b8535a13a)

  Update to correct version of GPLv2 license (with Franklin Street FSF

  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/license.html
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_it_IT/license.html
  > src/matchpoint/COPYING

2011-06-08 20:59 +0100 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (04b05e87b2e4)

  Some minimal missing man pages.

  + doc/PTBatcher.pod
  + doc/autopano-noop.pod
  + doc/calibrate_lens_gui.pod
  + doc/matchpoint.pod
  > doc/hugin.pod

2011-06-08 21:34 +0100 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (cec3f83eeb9c)

  rename man page

  + doc/
  - doc/autopano-noop.pod

2011-06-09 19:55 +0200 tmodes (7778092959b8)

  [calibrate_lens_gui] Fixes handling of portrait images [794739]

  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/calibrate_lens/LensCalTypes.cpp

2011-06-10 19:42 +0200 tmodes (c068b38e6fa6)

  Fixes crash with PTBatcher -b [794719]

  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/Batch.cpp

2011-06-11 21:16 +0200 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (e9853363e41c)

  [OSX] PTBatcherGui call from Assistant was not correct

  > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  > mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmproj
  > src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp

2011-06-12 13:10 +0200 tmodes (d46319ff1f65)

  Fixes bug in deleting cps in rectangle

  > src/hugin1/hugin/CPImageCtrl.cpp

2011-06-13 03:42 -0400 Yuv Mobile <email address hidden> (e9a0b715de00)

  * added new Action menu for direct access to core plugins
  * store core plugins in /usr/local/share/hugin/data or equivalent
  * more portable shebang first line to call the python interpreter on
  systems that have a different location for it (e.g. FreeBSD)

  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.h
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/

2011-06-13 03:43 -0400 Yuv Mobile <email address hidden> (7807f2580d78)


  > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  > mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmproj
  > src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/CPImageCtrl.cpp

2011-06-13 13:19 +0200 tmodes (ec4612b14e23)

  Removed obsolete disabling of action menu because there is no action
  menu in no hsi build

  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.h

2011-06-13 21:30 +0200 tmodes (3ebebf7bbc1b)

  Fixes bugs in commit e9a0b715de00
  * Code was using deprecated boost::filesystem version 2 -> switched to
  * Don't use fixed INSTALL_DATA_DIR -> this works only on Linux
  * Fixes conversion of strings to platform independent version (was
  Linux only)
  * Fixes memory leaks
  * Fixes possible buffer overflow
  * Make new strings translatable
  * Fixes parsing of script metadata
  * Sort plugins in natural sorting order (needed to refactored alphanum
  * Don't set plugins menu after help menu -> see GUI guidelines
  * Use own struct instead of merging and splitting strings
  * Don't install CMakeLists.txt

  + src/hugin_base/hugin_utils/alphanum.cpp
  + src/hugin_base/hugin_utils/alphanum.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/wxPanoCommand.cpp
  > src/hugin1/ptbatcher/FindPanoDialog.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  - src/hugin_base/hugin_utils/alphanum.hpp

2011-06-13 21:53 +0200 Kay F. Jahnke <email address hidden> (aa0f4bd10678)

  Added type vector<double> to hsi and some modifications in

  > src/hugin_script_interface/hsi.i
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/

2011-06-14 07:43 +0200 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (c084630d6786)

  [OSX] Add hsi python module as framework to bundle. To be done:
  inegrating it

  > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

2011-06-14 20:06 +0200 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (d362008fe5e8)

  [OSX] some more hsi python steps

  > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

2011-06-14 20:28 +0200 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (f8270bcc6d99)

  [OSX] Change PTBatcherGui call from Assistant

  > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  > src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp

2011-06-14 21:37 +0200 tmodes (ad9123971663)

  Cleanup includes in alphanum [797025]

  > src/hugin_base/hugin_utils/alphanum.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/hugin_utils/alphanum.h

2011-06-14 21:39 +0200 tmodes (4e1bce934bf6)

  Slightly modified if statement for init fast preview

  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp

2011-06-14 23:03 +0100 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (d9e959d2fef4)

  make plugins executable

  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/

2011-06-16 20:47 +0200 tmodes (ce2fd152c96f)

  Fixes warning in nona.cpp

  > src/tools/nona.cpp

2011-06-17 20:45 +0200 tmodes (76ab42a9d283)

  Fixes some more warnings

  > src/hugin1/hugin/ImagesList.cpp
  > src/tools/cpclean.cpp

2011-06-17 20:49 +0200 tmodes (6edb80275ed6)

  Removed deprecated ImageOption class Changed loading of lens
  parameters from file This should fix #790039 and #795507

  > src/dox/introduction.dox
  > src/hugin1/PT/PanoCommand.h
  > src/hugin1/PT/PanoImage.h
  > src/hugin1/base_wx/LensTools.cpp
  > src/hugin1/base_wx/LensTools.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/GLRenderer.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/HFOVDialog.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/HFOVDialog.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewControlPointTool.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/ViewState.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/wxPanoCommand.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_base/algorithms/point_sampler/PointSampler.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/hugin_basic.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/ImageVariableTranslate.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/PTScriptParsing.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/PTScriptParsing.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/PanoramaData.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/PanoramaOptions.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/SrcPanoImage.cpp
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/SrcPanoImage.h
  > src/hugin_base/panodata/image_variables.h
  > src/hugin_base/panotools/PanoToolsInterface.cpp
  > src/hugin_script_interface/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin_script_interface/hsi.i
  - src/hugin_base/panodata/PanoImage.h

2011-06-17 22:39 -0400 Yuv Mobile <email address hidden> (905d81af3558)

  * Implement plugin meta tag @sys (optional) to identify platforms on
  which a plugin works. If absent, it is assumed to work on all
  platforms. Currently discerning only win / mac / nix platforms
  * Implement plugin meta tags @api-min and @api-max to identify against
  which version of Hugin the plugin has been tested to work. If
  absent it is assumed to work on all versions of Hugin that are built
  with HSI.
  * Implement preference for location of user's custom script
  * Existing file open dialog to run Python script repurposed to run
  user's custom script (system-wide scripts are integrated in the
  Actions menu)

  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreferencesDialog.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/config_defaults.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/main_menu.xrc
  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/pref_dialog.xrc
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  > src/

2011-06-18 09:53 +0200 tmodes (20a814889285)

  Refactored plugin metadata reading and make it more robust Added
  description to plugin metadata Don't translate empty string

  + src/hugin1/hugin/PluginItems.cpp
  + src/hugin1/hugin/PluginItems.h
  > src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeLists.txt
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.h
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/

2011-06-18 12:55 +0200 tmodes (bf8f86e8a2e7)

  Align controls in preferences dialog

  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/pref_dialog.xrc

2011-06-18 12:56 +0200 tmodes (19e0ca178243)

  Fixes default path for non-Linux systems

  > src/hugin1/hugin/PreferencesDialog.cpp

2011-06-19 13:31 +0200 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden> (5c296e79fe54)

  [OSX] embed the Snow Leopard open binary inside the bundle and use
  that one on (Snow)Leopard. Start on Tiger without arguments

  > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  > mac/
  > mac/
  > src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp
  > src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.cpp

2011-06-19 08:55 -0400 Kay F. Jahnke <email address hidden> (9942db781a18)

  provide better information about exceptions occuring in the python
  plugins hpy.pi can now run plugin outside of Hugin

  > src/hugin_script_interface/
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
  > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/

2011-06-19 21:25 +0200 mcri (ecd4c773f822)

  Fix a couple of typos in tooltips.

  > src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/pref_dialog.xrc

2011-06-19 21:27 +0200 mcri (c573ed7847b4)

  Updated Italian translation

  > src/translations/it.po

2011-06-19 17:11 -0400 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (5a03b72ae067)

  updated translations

  > src/translations/bg.po
  > src/translations/ca_ES.po
  > src/translations/cs_CZ.po
  > src/translations/de.po
  > src/translations/en_GB.po
  > src/translations/es.po
  > src/translations/fi.po
  > src/translations/fr.po
  > src/translations/hu.po
  > src/translations/hugin.pot
  > src/translations/it.po
  > src/translations/ja.po
  > src/translations/ko.po
  > src/translations/nl.po
  > src/translations/pl.po
  > src/translations/pt_BR.po
  > src/translations/ro.po
  > src/translations/ru.po
  > src/translations/sk.po
  > src/translations/sl.po
  > src/translations/sv.po
  > src/translations/uk.po
  > src/translations/zh_CN.po
  > src/translations/zh_TW.po

2011-06-19 22:14 +0100 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (94055f97478d)

  Disable creation of arithmetic coded JPEG output

  > src/foreign/vigra/vigra_impex/jpeg.cxx

2011-06-19 22:16 +0100 Bruno Postle <email address hidden> (84e37554ce38)


  > src/translations/bg.po
  > src/translations/ca_ES.po
  > src/translations/cs_CZ.po
  > src/translations/de.po
  > src/translations/en_GB.po
  > src/translations/es.po
  > src/translations/fi.po
  > src/translations/fr.po
  > src/translations/hu.po
  > src/translations/hugin.pot
  > src/translations/it.po
  > src/translations/ja.po
  > src/translations/ko.po
  > src/translations/nl.po
  > src/translations/pl.po
  > src/translations/pt_BR.po
  > src/translations/ro.po
  > src/translations/ru.po
  > src/translations/sk.po
  > src/translations/sl.po
  > src/translations/sv.po
  > src/translations/uk.po
  > src/translations/zh_CN.po
  > src/translations/zh_TW.po

2011-06-19 17:52 -0400 Yuval Levy <email address hidden> (f3bfd6927c6c) tip

  Updated ChangeLog

  > ChangeLog

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