News and announcements

Hugo v0.15 released

Written for Hugo by Anthony Fok on 2015-11-25

The v0.15.0 Hugo release brings a lot of polish to Hugo. Exactly 6 months after the 0.14 release, Hugo has seen massive growth and changes. Most notably, this is Hugo's first release under the Apache 2.0 license. With this license change we hope to expand the great community around Hugo and make it easier for our many users to contribute. This release represents over 377 contributions by 87 contributors to the main Hugo repo and hundreds of improvements to the libraries Hugo uses. Hugo also launched a new theme showcase and participated in Hacktoberfest.

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Hugo v0.14 released

Written for Hugo by Anthony Fok on 2015-05-26

The v0.14.0 Hugo release brings of the most demanded features to Hugo. The foundation of Hugo is stabilizing nicely and a lot of polish has been added. We’ve expanded support for additional content types with support for AsciiDoc, Restructured Text, HTML and Markdown. Some of these types depend on external libraries as there does not currently exist native support in Go. We’ve tried to make the experience as seamless as possible. Look for more improvements here in upcoming releases.

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Hugo v0.13 released

Written for Hugo by Anthony Fok on 2015-02-22

The v0.13.0 release is the largest Hugo release to date. The release introduced
some long sought after features (pagination, sequencing, data loading, tons of
template improvements) as well as major internal improvements. In addition to
the code changes, the Hugo community has grown significantly and now has over
3000 stars on github, 134 contributors, 24 themes and 1000s of happy users.

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Hugo v0.12 released

Written for Hugo by Anthony Fok on 2014-09-01

A lot has happened since Hugo v0.11.0 was released. Most of the work has been
focused on polishing the theme engine and adding critical functionality to the

This release represents over 90 code commits from 28 different contributors.

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Hugo v0.11 released

Written for Hugo by Anthony Fok on 2014-05-30

* Considerably faster... about 3 - 4x faster on average
* Live Reload. Hugo will automatically reload the browser when the build is complete
* Theme engine w/Theme Repository
* Menu system with support for active page
* Builders to quickly create a new site, content or theme
* XML sitemap generation
* Integrated Disqus support
* Streamlined template organization
* Brand new docs site
* Support for publishDate which allows for posts to be dated in the future
* More sort options
* Logging support
* Much better error handling
* More informative verbose output
* Renamed Indexes > Taxonomies
* Renamed Chrome > Partials

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