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0.4 release from the 0.4 series released

Release information
Release notes:

To install the individual themes Humanity and Humanity-Dark , Use the individual theme files
- Humanity[0.4.2-Dark].tar.gz
- Humanity[0.4.2].tar.gz

- The combined tar.gz is for the Ubunutu release team to update the humanity-icon-theme package in Ubuntu.


humanity-icon-theme (0.4.2)

  * Adding Separate New theme for Dark panels - Humanity Dark . Now Humanity theme has sufficient contrast for light panels and Humanity_dark ahs sufficient contrast for dark panels.
  * Indicator-applet icon for "new message" is too visually similar too the default icon (Fixes lp: #392265)
  * Icons too dark with Dust (Fixes lp: #422414)
  * panel icons lack contrast (Fixes lp: #436485)
  * templates-folder isn't consistent to the rest (Fixes lp: #439043)
  * Emblems changes with differents resolutions (Fixes lp: #439035)
  * "Education" category icon is incorrect (Fixes lp: #438843)
  * Difference between Offline/Online is too subtle (Fixes lp: #438786)
  * dialog-warning and dialog-error are too similar (Fixes lp: #438250)
  * Icons that don't fit the theme too well... (Fixes lp: #437383)
  * Ubuntu icon doesnt look good in humanity (Fixes lp: #437379)
  * It is dificult to say if trash icon is full or empty in gnome panel (Fixes lp: #436735)
  * vpn icon inconsistent in colour and style (Fixes lp: #434634)
  * xdg Folder Icons are similar to mime/action icons (Fixes lp: #404486)
  * It is dificult to say if trash icon is full or empty in gnome panel (Fixes lp: #436735)
  * Humanity trash and folder icons too similar (Fixes lp: #436520)
  * Wireless connection icon in the network menu overlaps with the lock icon (Fixes lp: #439261)
  * Missing monochrome icon for bluetooth applet (Fixes lp: #437162)
  * usb hdds can't be spotted in nautilus side pane (Fixes lp: #437606)

File Description Downloads
download icon Humanity[0.4.6].tar.gz (md5) Use this file to install Humanity theme[light panels] 8,269
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
download icon Humanity-Dark[0.4.6].tar.gz (md5) Use this file to install Humanity-Dark theme[for dark panels] 4,453
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
download icon humanity_0.4.6.tar.gz (md5) Humanity icons 0.4.6 [contains Humanity & Humanity-Dark] 4,203
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
download icon Humanity_0.4.2.1.tar.gz (md5) Humanity icons [contains Humanity & Humanity-Dark] 3,779
last downloaded 52 weeks ago
download icon Humanity_0.4.2.tar.gz (md5) Humanity icons 0.4.2 [contains Humanity & Humanity-Dark] 1,017
last downloaded 52 weeks ago
download icon humanity_0.4.tar.gz (md5) Humanity Icons 0.4 1,870
last downloaded 52 weeks ago
Total downloads: 23,591

0.3 release from the 0.3 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Polishing up the look and feel, adding icons to replace Human.


* Complete revision of 48px Mimes
* File Size Reductions
* Addition of many icons that were inherited from Human
* Addition of more 64px icons for UNR
* More monochrome panel icons
* Cleaning up the color pallete

File Description Downloads
download icon humanity_0.3.1.tar.gz (md5) Humanity Icons 0.3.1 1,989
last downloaded 68 weeks ago
download icon humanity_0.3.tar.gz (md5) Humanity Icons 0.3 140
last downloaded 67 weeks ago
Total downloads: 2,129

0.2 release from the 0.2 series released

File Description Downloads
download icon humanity.tar.gz (md5) Humanity Icons .02 1,947
last downloaded 68 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,947

0.1 release from the 0.1 series released

File Description Downloads
download icon humanity.tar.gz (md5) Humanity Icons 0.1 192
last downloaded 64 weeks ago
Total downloads: 192