ILaunchpad Shell 0.2.0

Milestone information

ILaunchpad Shell
Markus Korn
Release registered:
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File Description Downloads
download icon ilaunchpad-shell- (md5, sig) updated Tarball 156
last downloaded 72 weeks ago
download icon ilaunchpad-shell-0.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) Tarball 111
last downloaded 77 weeks ago
Total downloads: 267

Release notes 

ilaunchpad-shell - a Launchpad shell based on IPython

This projects has three different use cases:
    * providing a standalone shell which is highly customized to access
      launchpad by using launchpadlib
    * providing a profile for IPython
    * providing a shell which can be embedded into other scripts for
      debugging purposess


View the full changelog

Release 0.2 (Nov 24, 2010)

* added `%apidoc` command to get the api documentation of a given object
  in a browser.
* added `%lp_debug` to toggle between showing/hiding httplib2 debugging
* HTTPErrors are more readable, the traceback is reformated
* added `--anonymous` commandline option, this allows readonly access to
  public data without authorization.
* added `--service_version` option to choose between the version of the
  version of the web API to use.
* added ilaunchpad-shell.1 manpage.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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