This is the next step in this project, adding some speed up code in C. I tried making a similar python alternative available if for any reason the C would not run.
- SimpleFilter is a pixel-by-pixel convolution for small kernels (< 10 pixels possibly)
- 1D version of SimpleFilter and ConvFilter for kernels which can be built by applying a 1D kernel in two directions separately. For these kernels (GaussKernel, BinomKernel etc) this is much faster.
- GaussKernel, BinomKernel, BoxcarKernel can also generate 1D versions of themselves.
- The norm=True is the default for the kernels now.
The new, C code relies on ctypes and the numpy.ctypes_lib. It uses the simplest possible array mechanism on convfluent arrays and does all the math simple and fast (?).
The new code still need...