Registered by Ingo Friese

JGridmaker is a small API allowing to desribe the layout of JComponents in a simple syntax, similiar to tables in classic HTML.

When making first contact with the GridBagLayout from java SWING, I quickly learned to love and to hate it. Love, because it is very flexible allowing even fine tuning of layout twists, hate because it is sometimes awfull to describe and the code describing your layout is far from beeing self-explaining. What I was looking for was a way to describe the GUI layout in a way that is easy, flexible and self explaining at the same time. One of the most used concepts to layout textual or graphical components are clearly tables in classic HTML. During the developement of a larger rich client project, I finally decided to write a small API to arrange SWING components in a similar manner, which herewith became open source.

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Ingo Friese
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