- gtk/jockey-gtk.desktop.in: Use correct categories to show up on the new
gnome-control-center. Thanks Rodrigo Moya! (LP: #787694)
- Add NoDisplay=true to autostart .desktop file and have jockey-gtk show up
in Unity. Thanks Mike Terry.
- oslib.py: Do not encourage to report package installation failure as
SystemError, it will appear as a backend crash
- jockey-gtk: Fix message_type argument to Gtk.MessageBox constructor
- jockey/ui.py: For invalid combinations of LC_MESSAGES and LC_CTYPE, force
stdout/stderr encoding to UTF-8 instead of C. (LP: #760883)
- Fix GLib and GObject imports to be compatible with the future pygobject
3.0. (LP: #829186)
- jockey/detection.py, _driverid_to_handler(): In the case that there are
multiple matching custom handlers for a DriverID, also check that their
"package" attribute matches.
- tests/run: Also support specifying individual test method names