juju-core 1.17.0

A development release that uses the API for all communication between clients, servers, and agents.

Milestone information

Curtis Hovey
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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3 Abel Deuring, 8 Andrew Wilkins, 8 Curtis Hovey, 1 Dave Cheney, 4 Dimiter Naydenov, 2 Frank Mueller, 18 Ian Booth, 1 James Page, 15 John A Meinel, 1 Julian Edwards, 3 Kapil Thangavelu, 1 Marco Ceppi, 3 Martin Packman, 3 Matthew Williams, 1 Nate Finch, 1 Nick Veitch, 1 Roger Peppe, 7 Tim Penhey, 3 William Reade
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 Invalid, 90 Fix Released

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Release notes 

juju-core 1.17.0

A new development release of Juju, juju-core 1.17.0, is now available.

Getting Juju

juju-core 1.17.0 is available in trusty and backported to earlier
series in the following PPA

Upgrading from stable releases to development releases is not supported. You can upgrade test environments to development releases to test new features and fixes, but it is not advised to upgrade production environments to 1.17.0.

New and Notable

* “juju authorised-keys” to manage ssh keys within Juju.
  Lp 834930

* “juju destroy-environment” requires the environment name.
  Lp 1057665

* “juju upgrade-juju” chooses a safe and supported path.
  Lp 1233451

* “juju metadata generate-image” uses the environment to get
  much of the information written to the simple streams data.
  Lp 1237286

* The “tools-metadata-url” config option replaces “tools-url”.

Resolved issues

* --upload-tools failure preventing bootstrap completing.
  HTTP connections were not properly closed to allow retries.
  Lp 1239558

* Invalid SSL certificate after rebootstrapping.
  Certificates and keys are destroyed with the environment to
  prevent reuse.
  Lp 1130255

* Killing instance outside of juju, doesn't get noticed.
  The juju state server automatically removes machines when the
  connection is broken for a prolonged period.
  Lp 1205451

* Uniter: high frequency relation operations cause rate limits to
  be exceeded.
  Juju now caches the API address reducing the need to be chatty.
  Lp 1244766

* Juju bootstrap fails with openstack provider (failed unmarshaling the
  response body)
  Juju now supports OpenStack Havana with ceph-radosgw as a Swift
  Lp 1209003

* Manual provider bootstrap fails with error about sftp scheme.
  Juju now generates the proper metadata and uses the correct method
  to locate tools.
  Lp 1235717

* Manual provider doesn't install mongo from the cloud archive.
  Juju now uses apt repository sources and boot commands from the
  cloud-init config.
  Lp 1238934

* Manual provider uses reverse-lookup result instead of "bootstrap-host"
  Juju now uses the IP address of the bootstrap-host.
  Lp 1246905

* Manual provider requires that machines have DNS records.
  Juju no longer requires the DNS entries for manually
  provisioned machines.
  Lp 1254629

* Set-constraints example gives "error: malformed constraint"
  The help information now documents the --service option.
  Lp 1251095

* Sync-tools uploads 0kB juju tools when relative path is used
  for "--source"
  Relative paths are now accepted.
  Lp 1255006

* Juju env could be friendlier to scripts.
  Juju env and juju switch no longer quote the env name.
  Lp 1193244

* HP Cloud boilerplate doesn't contain enough info.
  The missing configuration is now included with the defaults set.
  Lp 1240116

Known issues

* Upgrades from stable releases to 1.17.0 may result in config-changed
  hook failures in units.

Managing authorised keys

Juju's ssh key management allows people other than the person who
bootstrapped an environment to ssh into Juju machines/nodes.
The “authorised-keys” command accepts 4 subcommands:

    add - add ssh keys for a Juju user
    delete - delete ssh keys for a Juju user
    list - list ssh keys for a Juju user
    import - import Launchpad or Github ssh keys

“import” can be used in clouds with open networks to pull ssh keys from
Launchpad or Github, eg "juju authorised-keys import lp:wallyworld".
But for clouds which do not have access to the internet, "add" can be used to import the provided key.

Use the key fingerprint or comment to specify which key to delete.
You can find the fingerprint for a key using ssh-keygen.

Juju cannot not manage existing keys on manually provisioned machines.
Juju will prepend "Juju:" to the comments of all keys that it adds to a machine. These are the only keys it can “list” or “delete”.

Note that right now, keys are global and grant access to all machines.
When a key is added, it is propagated to all machines in the
environment. When a key is deleted, it is removed from all machines.

For more details, run "juju authorised-keys --help" to read the help.

Destroying environments

The “destroy-environment” command requires you to specify the environment name, eg. “juju destroy-environment my-press-site”. Previously, “destroy-environment” would destroy the current environment, which might not be the one you want to destroy.

Upgrading Juju

The “juju upgrade-juju” command has changed to ensure that stable and supported versions of juju are selected.

The default behavior of “upgrade-juju” selects the *next* stable (major.minor+2) version first, failing that it selected the most recent *current* version. The Juju project uses odd minor numbers for devel releases, and even minor numbers for stable releases.

Use “--version” to explicitly specify the version to upgrade or downgrade to. The flag effectively forces an upgrade to the given
version, regardless if it's supported.

The “--dev” flag is removed, as the logic changed. The only way to
upgrade to a development version from 1.17.0 or latter is by using
“--version” to specify the exact version to upgrade to. Neither the
development flags in the environment config, nor the client's
development version are used to select the upgrade version.

Run “juju upgrade-juju --help” to read about the available options.

Generating image metadata

The “metadata generate-image” command requires fewer options to create the simple streams data. The cloud information needed to create the simple streams data comes from the environment. The environment information can may be overridden by specifying extra options.

Run “juju metadata generate-image --help” to read about the available options.

The “tools-metadata-url” config option replaces “tools-url”

The “tools-url” config option is deprecated. It will be removed in Juju 1.19.0. Use “tools-metadata-url” instead. The config option was renamed to follow the “image-metadata-url” pattern.


We encourage everyone to subscribe the mailing list at
juju-dev@lists.canonical.com, or join us on #juju-dev on freenode.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 91 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1239508 #1239508 Empty constraint value lost during some cloud-init step 3 High Tim Penhey  3 Invalid
1239558 #1239558 --upload-tools failure preventing bootstrap completing 2 Critical Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1254572 #1254572 juju-backup plugin 2 Critical Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1258240 #1258240 juju 1.17.0 bootstrap on Hp fails 2 Critical Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1260452 #1260452 upgrade is broken on aws, hp and canonistack when using a custom tools-url 2 Critical John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
834930 #834930 Need a way to manage SSH keys in a juju environment. 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
897645 #897645 juju should support an apt proxy or alternate mirror for private clouds 3 High   10 Fix Released
1042106 #1042106 environs/ec2: certain operations should be retried if possible 3 High   10 Fix Released
1057665 #1057665 juju destroy-environment is terrifying; please provide an option to neuter it 3 High   10 Fix Released
1064142 #1064142 worker/uniter: FAIL: filter_test.go:113: FilterSuite.TestResolvedEvents 3 High   10 Fix Released
1089291 #1089291 destroy-machine --force 3 High William Reade  10 Fix Released
1185496 #1185496 Packaging needs to support parallel installation with pyju 3 High Curtis Hovey  10 Fix Released
1193244 #1193244 juju env could be friendlier to scripts 3 High Frank Mueller  10 Fix Released
1205371 #1205371 state.Addresses and APIAddresses need better implementation 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1205451 #1205451 killing instance outside of juju, doesn't get noticed 3 High Frank Mueller  10 Fix Released
1209003 #1209003 juju bootstrap fails with openstack provider (failed unmarshaling the response body) 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1220965 #1220965 add official tools repository to metadata search 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1222671 #1222671 Using the same maas user in different juju environments causes them to clash 3 High Tim Penhey  10 Fix Released
1226902 #1226902 ppa builds are built without cgo 3 High James Page  10 Fix Released
1227952 #1227952 juju get give a "panic: index out of range" error 3 High Dave Cheney  10 Fix Released
1229275 #1229275 [maas] juju destroy-environment also destroys nodes that are not controlled by juju 3 High Tim Penhey  10 Fix Released
1230373 #1230373 environs/simplestreams: ignores errors when updating series versions 3 High Martin Packman  10 Fix Released
1233278 #1233278 juju test suite is not isolated 3 High   10 Fix Released
1233451 #1233451 juju upgrade-juju results in unsupported behavior 3 High Dimiter Naydenov  10 Fix Released
1233457 #1233457 service with no units stuck in lifecycle dying 3 High William Reade  10 Fix Released
1234890 #1234890 build-release-tarball.bash does not use dependencies.tsv 3 High Curtis Hovey  10 Fix Released
1235717 #1235717 manual provider bootstrap fails with error about sftp scheme 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1236236 #1236236 Add OwnerTag to service ready for Identity management 3 High Matthew Williams  10 Fix Released
1236691 #1236691 null provider bootstrap fails if default-series does not match target 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1237130 #1237130 remove 1.14 upgrade sync-tools workaround 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1237219 #1237219 ssl-hostname-verification: false doesn't trigger if auth-URL is http:// 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1237286 #1237286 juju metadata generate-metadata clumsy to use for private clouds 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1238934 #1238934 manual provider doesn't install mongo from the cloud archive 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1240116 #1240116 HP Cloud boilerplate doesn't contain enough info 3 High Nick Veitch  10 Fix Released
1240423 #1240423 provider/maas: environment-uuid is the wrong name to use for the machine disambiguation tag 3 High Roger Peppe  10 Fix Released
1240709 #1240709 local provider fails to start 3 High Tim Penhey  10 Fix Released
1240927 #1240927 os.rename does not work with windows 3 High Nate Finch  10 Fix Released
1241666 #1241666 Cannot create simple streams for Ubuntu trusty series 3 High Curtis Hovey  10 Fix Released
1243419 #1243419 tools metadata missing some fields 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1243470 #1243470 add mirrors file to tools directory 3 High Curtis Hovey  10 Fix Released
1243861 #1243861 juju should add the cloud-archive repository differently 3 High Martin Packman  10 Fix Released
1243942 #1243942 gocheck flags leak through to client applications 3 High Matthew Williams  10 Fix Released
1244766 #1244766 uniter: high frequency relation operations cause rate limits to be exceeded 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1245004 #1245004 Relation names regex too restrictive 3 High Marco Ceppi  10 Fix Released
1245770 #1245770 Upgrader should check for tools before downloading 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1246320 #1246320 Azure bootstrap fails: versioning header is not specified 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1246556 #1246556 lxc containers broken with maas 3 High Tim Penhey  10 Fix Released
1246905 #1246905 manual provider uses reverse-lookup result instead of "bootstrap-host" 3 High Kapil Thangavelu  10 Fix Released
1246978 #1246978 simplestreams image metadata details inconsistent with tools 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1247299 #1247299 local provider deploys fail with 'install hook failed' 3 High Tim Penhey  10 Fix Released
1247730 #1247730 environs/simplestreams doesn't fall over if a datasource has valid metadata, but contains no matching product IDs 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1247788 #1247788 Add owner argument to AddService 3 High Matthew Williams  10 Fix Released
1247997 #1247997 juju unset succeeds without error when no options are specified 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1249399 #1249399 1.16.x upgrade to 1.17.x has incompatible configs 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1250149 #1250149 Ill-formed warning: The attribute tools-urlhould be removed from your configuration 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1250154 #1250154 updateSecrets in juju trunk uses Client.EnvironmentGet which is not in 1.16 3 High Dimiter Naydenov  10 Fix Released
1250563 #1250563 streams.canonical.com needs tools sjson 3 High Curtis Hovey  10 Fix Released
1250601 #1250601 "updated" misspelled as "upddated" in warning 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1250750 #1250750 tools-url WARNING spams all environ entries 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1250974 #1250974 upgrade to 1.17.0 fails 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1251095 #1251095 set-constrains example gives "error: malformed constraint" 3 High Abel Deuring  10 Fix Released
1251279 #1251279 godeps -u fails 3 High Curtis Hovey  10 Fix Released
1251711 #1251711 goyaml r49 does not handle flow and block properly 3 High Curtis Hovey  10 Fix Released
1253625 #1253625 juju get-environment and set-environment using the API is incompatible with 1.16 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1253628 #1253628 juju upgrade-juju incompatible with 1.16 3 High Dimiter Naydenov  10 Fix Released
1253633 #1253633 juju get/set-constraints is incompatible in trunk vs 1.16 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1253639 #1253639 juju debug-hooks/scp/ssh in trunk is incompatible with 1.16 3 High   10 Fix Released
1253643 #1253643 juju destroy-machine is incompatible in trunk vs 1.16 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1253649 #1253649 juju set/unset broken in trunk against 1.16 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1254061 #1254061 Add bash completion for OSX 3 High Curtis Hovey  10 Fix Released
1254564 #1254564 launchpad.net/goose/... tests fail with gccgo 3 High   10 Fix Released
1254579 #1254579 juju-update-bootstrap-address plugin 3 High Martin Packman  10 Fix Released
1254629 #1254629 manual provider requires that machines have DNS records 3 High Kapil Thangavelu  10 Fix Released
1254642 #1254642 manual provider configures API Info with state server addresses 3 High Kapil Thangavelu  10 Fix Released
1254729 #1254729 Update Juju to make a "safe mode" for the provisioner 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1254938 #1254938 juju set-env fails for boolean attributes 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1255006 #1255006 sync-tools uploads 0kB juju tools when relative path is used for "--source" 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1256179 #1256179 [maas] juju set-env fails after upgrading to 1.16.2+ 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1256376 #1256376 juju falsely claims that tools-metadata-url has ben supplied 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1257427 #1257427 bootstrap doesn't know when to give up 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1257481 #1257481 juju destroy-environment destroys other environments 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1258607 #1258607 bootstrap doesn't work if Dial takes more than 5 seconds 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1259180 #1259180 apt fails during bootstrap on aws 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1259473 #1259473 destroy-machine --force plays badly with provisioner-safe-mode 3 High William Reade  10 Fix Released
1259942 #1259942 cloudinit/sshinit is dependent on cloud-init implementation details 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1081247 #1081247 maas provider releases all nodes it did not allocate [does not play well with others] 5 Low Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1089301 #1089301 juju-run 5 Low Tim Penhey  10 Fix Released
1216830 #1216830 apiserver should not depend on Conn 5 Low Dimiter Naydenov  10 Fix Released
1226591 #1226591 scp help is not as helpful as it could be 5 Low Abel Deuring  10 Fix Released
1245427 #1245427 help for juju ssh is slightly wrong 5 Low Abel Deuring  10 Fix Released
1246517 #1246517 ACLs not sticking when creating swift container 5 Low Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
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