How do I verify a download?
- Add ``pre-commit`` configuration. - Publish documentation on Read the Docs. - Apply black code formatter. - Apply inclusive naming via the woke pre-commit hook. - Fix ``"w")`` on Python 3.
- Drop support for Python < 2.6. - Adjust versioning strategy to avoid importing pkg_resources, which is slow in large environments.
- Restore from_string, to_string, and __str__ methods of lazr.restfulclient.authorize.oauth.AccessToken, unintentionally removed in 0.14.0.
- Fix compatibility with httplib2 0.12.0 for Python 3. [bug=1803754] - Really fix compatibility with httplib2 < 0.9. - Fix compatibility with httplib2 0.9 for Python 3. - Require httplib >= 0.7.7 for Python 3.
- Add compatibility with httplib2 0.12.0. [bug=1803558]
- Switch from buildout to tox. - Port from oauth to oauthlib. Some tests still need to use oauth until lazr.authentication is ported. [bug=1672458] - Use the distro module rather than platform.linux_distribution, since the latter is deprecated in Python 3.5 and will be removed in 3.7. [bug=1473577]
- Fix bytes vs. unicode in json.loads calls. [bug=1403524] - Decode header before comparison. [bug=1414075] - Fix urllib unquote imports. [bug=1414055] - Fix urllib urlencode imports. [bug=1425609] - Tolerate httplib2 versions earlier than 0.9 again. - Fix handling of 304 responses with an empty body on Python 3. [bug=1714960]
0.13.4 (2014-12-05) ===================
- Port to python3. - Support proxy settings from environment by default.