DBus Menu 0.2.2

Milestone information

DBus Menu
Ted Gould
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download icon libdbusmenu-0.2.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) 0.2.2 20
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
Total downloads: 20

Release notes 

 * Interoperability fixes
 * Adding timestamps to events
 * Better handling of XML
 * Adding tools for timing dbusmenu


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2010-02-04 Ted Gould <email address hidden>


2010-02-04 Ted Gould <email address hidden>

 Dbusmenu Bench tool average support.

2010-02-04 Ted Gould <email address hidden>

 Adding in the benchmarking tools for dbusmenu.

2010-02-04 Ted Gould <email address hidden>

 Fixing the check tests.

2010-02-04 Ted Gould <email address hidden>

 Interoperability fixes.

2010-02-03 Ted Gould <email address hidden>

 Adding support for having generic signals in the menuitems. Moving 'clicked' to GTK.

2010-01-24 Ted Gould <email address hidden>

 Fix an annoying warning that isn't really useful on image menuitems.

2010-01-24 Ted Gould <email address hidden>

 Adding a parameter on the event function so that the timestamp is always passed.

2010-01-24 Ted Gould <email address hidden>

 Changing the name of the update signal to match the other signal names. Now 'LayoutUpdated'.

2010-01-22 Ted Gould <email address hidden>

 Remove the revision property from the <menu> nodes in the layout XML file.

2010-01-22 Ted Gould <email address hidden>

 Always make sure the XML has the root item with an ID of zero.

2010-01-12 Ted Gould <email address hidden>


0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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