Linaro Graphics Working Group 2011.08

Milestone information

Linaro Graphics Working Group


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
3 Alexandros Frantzis, 2 Chunsang Jeong, 1 Jesse Barker, 1 Kan HU, 1 Rob Clark, 1 Rony Nandy, 1 Shariq Hasnain, 1 Sumit Semwal, 1 Travis Watkins
12 Implemented
No bugs are targeted to this milestone.

12 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

Blueprint Project Priority Assignee Delivery
Large Physical Allocation Support - 2011.08 Large Physical Allocation Support - 2011.08 linaro-mm-sig linaro-mm-sig 4 High Jesse Barker  11 Implemented
Ongoing OpenGL ES 2.0 support for compiz - work for 2011.08 Ongoing OpenGL ES 2.0 support for compiz - work for 2011.08 Unity GLES port Unity GLES port 4 High Travis Watkins  11 Implemented
Ongoing work on glcompbench - 2011.08 Ongoing work on glcompbench - 2011.08 glcompbench glcompbench 4 High Alexandros Frantzis  11 Implemented
Ongoing work on glmark2 - 2011.08 Ongoing work on glmark2 - 2011.08 glmark2 glmark2 4 High Alexandros Frantzis  11 Implemented
dma-mapping API work for 2011.08 dma-mapping API work for 2011.08 linaro-mm-sig linaro-mm-sig 4 High Chunsang Jeong  11 Implemented
Buffer Object Sharing work for 2011.08 Buffer Object Sharing work for 2011.08 linaro-mm-sig linaro-mm-sig 4 High Sumit Semwal  11 Implemented
Free and open source test content Free and open source test content Linaro Multimedia WG project Linaro Multimedia WG project 3 Medium Kan HU  11 Implemented
Getting OpenGL ES 2.0 support for the extension wrangler upstream - 2011.08 work Getting OpenGL ES 2.0 support for the extension wrangler upstream - 2011.08 work Linaro Graphics Miscellany Linaro Graphics Miscellany 3 Medium Shariq Hasnain  11 Implemented
KMS support for Linaro supported platforms for 2011.08 KMS support for Linaro supported platforms for 2011.08 linaro-mm-sig linaro-mm-sig 3 Medium Rob Clark  11 Implemented
NEON optimization forum collaboration tools NEON optimization forum collaboration tools Linaro Multimedia WG project Linaro Multimedia WG project 3 Medium Rony Nandy  11 Implemented
Porting tools and documentation for OpenGL ES 2.0 - 2011.08 Porting tools and documentation for OpenGL ES 2.0 - 2011.08 Linaro Graphics Miscellany Linaro Graphics Miscellany 3 Medium Alexandros Frantzis  11 Implemented
Perf events for GPU drivers Perf events for GPU drivers Linaro Graphics Miscellany Linaro Graphics Miscellany 2 Low Chunsang Jeong  11 Implemented

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