News and announcements

1.2.0 release

Written for LMusicPlayer by Maxime Côté on 2010-04-30

The 1.2.0 version is now out and it bring many new features, improved speed and multiple bug fixes. Here's a list of features:
 -change the slider for a seekslider so you can now seek the playing song
 -change the system tray menu to allow show and hide action
 -change the tooltip to show the album artist and song
 -add persistance to the playlist and it's configuration (repaeat all, song, random etc)
 -add automatic adding of cover when picture are in the folder with the songs
 -add recursivity on one level to the add folder action and change the display of error to show the folder that where not added
 -add popup to notify of the loading, adding when the actions are taking time
It is now uploaded to the release branch and the ppa -> ppa:cote.maxime/lmusicplayer

Updated .

1.2.0 on the way

Written for LMusicPlayer by Maxime Côté on 2010-04-27

I'm about to release the version 1.2.0 of LMusicPlayer, I've now finish all the features it only need a bit of testing which I will do soon. So this version will have a lots of new stuff:
-adding cover automatically when adding a folder to the collection (it choose the first picture it found in the folder)
-recursivity in the add folder action on one level (it read sub folder, but not sub-sub folder)
-persistence in the playlist
-important speed up
and some more you will found out soon ;)

PPA Working

Written for LMusicPlayer by Maxime Côté on 2010-04-22

There is now a working PPA where you can get you package, it use the current release branch

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