Oliver Grawert
Easy administration of LTSP-based computer labs
It depends on a set of packages suitable for configuring LTSP in small computer labs, and it provides a GUI for managing user accounts, running maintenance tasks etc.
View full history Series and milestones
ltsp-manager series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Git
- Programming languages:
- python,shell
All packages Packages in Distributions
ltsp-manager source package in Precise
Version 0.0.2-0ubuntu3 uploaded
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1720209: Students get no confirmation in signup process
Reported -
Bug #1718963: ltsp-manager initial setup and update commands do nothing on Ubuntu 17.04
Reported -
Bug #1710416: switching locale causes problems with user passwd display
Reported -
Bug #1709203: build system updates
Reported -
Bug #1709202: convert to python3