Mathomatic 15.6.5

Maintenance and cleanup

Milestone information

George Gesslein II
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download icon mathomatic-15.6.5.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Stable Mathomatic source and docs 324
last downloaded 63 weeks ago
Total downloads: 324

Release notes 

An option to allow fake functions was added, to allow named function entry until named functions are actually implemented; type "set special ()" to use this option. A code and documentation cleanup was done, mentioning that Mathomatic supports simplification, calculation, and even solving of modular arithmetic. There is now multi-line, 2D expression string output available when using the Symbolic Math Library. This release was properly ported to the OpenIndiana operating system, making Mathomatic easily compile on all known unix-like OSes.


View the full changelog

8/25/11 - Now allowing balanced parentheses with anything inside them in
          variable names, so that they can preserve functions temporarily.
          Just type "set special ()" to use this option and stop getting
          errors when entering functions. They will not be real functions,
          just variables whose name is the complete function string.

8/27/11 - Added sinc(x) function to m4 Mathomatic, which is the normalized
          sinc function, defined as sin(pi*x)/(pi*x).

8/31/11 - Split off the generally useful stuff and general C math defines
          from am.h to standard.h; am.h only contains Mathomatic defines now.
          standard.h and complex_lib.c with complex.h can be included in
          your C math programs if you like, with no changes required.
          Use of gcd.c in other floating point programs that need a gcd() or
          double-to-fraction convert function is recommended. The code
          has been heavily tested by this CAS.

9/02/11 - Fixed and tested the variables command to handle complex number
          equations better.

9/04/11 - Cleaned up and improved documentation on modular arithmetic and
          its options. Mathomatic can simplify, calculate, and even solve
          modular arithmetic!

9/06/11 - The 2D display command's internals were
          rewritten to allow outputting to C string buffers. This allows
          the display command to return a multi-line, formatted expression
          string when using the Symbolic Math Library. Note that there is
          no color mode when outputting to a C string, but if you send the
          string to a terminal, it displays the specified equation space
          nicely in 2D fraction format.

9/18/11 - Mathomatic "help color" command page created.

9/19/11 - Ported Mathomatic to latest OpenIndiana SunOS operating system.
          Some changes were required and implemented for easier compilation.
          All tests passed!

9/24/11 - Improved set command error reporting.

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