
14 of 4 results
16 series Focus of Development
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

The versions of Mathomatic from June 29, 2012 on. Hope to finish Mathomatic by adding logarithms. Works very well otherwise, and Mathomatic has never given me a wrong answer.

15 series Active Development
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: 1 Not started

The 15 series of Mathomatic represents the recommended current stable series.
These files are the official source code and documentation for each version.
They require a C compiler and make utility to build the Mathomatic executable.

14 series Supported
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

The 14 series of Mathomatic is the old, buggy development series.
These versions mostly work, but have flaws that give unsimplified results.
These files are the official source code and documentation for each version.
They require a C compiler.

trunk series Obsolete
Blueprints targeted: None

The "trunk" series represents the primary line of development rather than a stable release branch. This is sometimes also called MAIN or HEAD.

14 of 4 results