Tecla Access 0.4-alpha

Adds handling of extra switches from Tekla Shield and workaround for unresponsive pop-ups and menu layers

Milestone information

Tecla Access
Jorge Silva
Release registered:
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2 Jorge Silva
2 Implemented
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download icon Tekla_v0.4-alpha.apk (md5) Tekla for Android v0.4 (alpha) 16
last downloaded 72 weeks ago
Total downloads: 16

Release notes 

Added compatibility with extra switches from Tekla Shield. Connect any stereo or mono switch to control Android using self-scanning.

Implemented a work-around for unresponsive pop-ups and layers that hide the on-screen keyboard. Pressing any switch continuously for 3 seconds returns the user to the Home screen.

This version also includes better switch de-bouncing for low quality switches.


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2 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Attach IME actions to extra switch events from Tekla Shield Attach IME actions to extra switch events from Tekla Shield 1 Undefined Jorge Silva  11 Implemented
Implement a work-around that allows users to escape unresponsive windows hiding the soft IME Implement a work-around that allows users to escape unresponsive windows hiding the soft IME 1 Undefined Jorge Silva  11 Implemented
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