MadGraph5_aMC@NLO 2.5.x "Interface"

This version might include:
- include an easy way to run PY8 shower.
- include an easy way to customize madgraph (plugin method to define new cluster/new output/new command)
- interface to collier for loop computation

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Code name:
Olivier Mattelaer
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Release notes 

      OM: Fixing bug in the creation of the LO gridpack introduced in 2.4.3. Since 2.4.3 the generated
          gridpack were lacking to include the generated grid for each channel. This does not lead to
          bias but to a significant slow down of the associated gridpack.
      OM: Supporting user function calling other non default function.
      OM: adding the command "update to_slha1" and "update to_slha2" (still beta)
      RF: some cleanup in the NLO/Template files. Many unused subroutines deleted.
      OM: fixing some bug related to complex_mass_scheme
      OM: fixing bug in ALOHA for C++ output (in presence of form-factor)
      OM: fixing lhe event for 1 to N process such that the <init> block is consistently set for the shower
      OM: ExRootAnalysis interface is modified (need to be requested as an analysis)
      RF: Fix for FxFx merging in case there are diagrams with 1->3 decays.

      OM: Add a warning in presense of small width
      OM: Fix a bug related to a missing library (introduced in 2.5.3)
      OM: Improve stability of the onshell mode of MadSpin
      VH: Fix some problem related to LHAPDF

      PT: Modified the default shower starting scale in montecarlocounter.f.
          The new reference scale from which the dampening profile is computed is sum_i mt_i/2, i
          being Born level final-state momenta.
      OM: New "special mode" for madspin accessible via "set spinmode onshell".
          This mode allow for full spin-correlation with 3 (or more) body decay but the decaying particle
          remains exactly onshell in this mode. Loop-induced production/decay are not allowed in this mode.
      OM+RF: Allowing for creation of LHE like output of the fixed order run at NLO.
          This LHEF file is unvalid for parton-shower (all PS should crash on such file). It will be
          unphysical to shower such sample anyway.
          Two hidden parameters of the FO_analyse_card.dat allow some control on the LHEF creation
          "fo_lhe_weight_ratio" allows to control the strength of a partial unweighting [default:1e-3]
             increasing this number reduce the LHEF size.
          "fo_lhe_postprocessing" can take value like nogrouping, norandom, noidentification.
             nogrouping forbids the appearance of the LHEF(version2) tag <eventgroup>
             norandom does not apply the randomization of the events.
             noidentification does not merge born event with other born like counter-event
      RF: Better job handling for fNLO runs.
      VH: Fixing various problem with the pythia8 interface (especially for MLM merging)
      Team: Fixing a series of small crash
      OM: improve systematics (thanks to Philipp Pigard)
      OM: new syntax to modify the run_card: set no_parton_cut
          This removes all the cut present in the card.
      OM: change the default configuration parameter cluster_local_path to None
      OM: change the syscalc syntax for the pdf to avoid using & since this is not xml compliant
      OM: avoid to bias module to include trivial weight in gridpack mode
      OM: Fix a bug making 2.5.1 not compatible with python2.6
      OM: Improve "add missing" command if a full block is missing
      OM: Fixing a bug reporting wrong cross-section in the lhef <init> flag (only in presence of
          more than 80 channel of integration)
2.5.1 (04/11/16)
       PT+MZ: New interface for Herwig7.
              Fixed a bug in the Herwig7/Herwig++ counterterm (relevant to 2 -> n, n>2:
              in particular, the bug affected the dead zone for final-final colour connection
              in processes with more than two particles in the Born final state)
       VH: Parallelization of PY8 at LO
       OM: add the possibility to automatically missing parameter in a param_card
           with command "update missing" at the time of the card edition. Usefull for
           some SUSY card where some block entry are sometimes missing.
       OM: Possibility to automatically run systematics program at NLO or Turn it off at LO
           (hidden entry of the run_card systematics_program = systematics|syscalc|none)
       RF: Some refactoring of the NLO phase-space generation,
           including some small improvements in efficiency.
       OM: Plugin can be include in a directory MG5aMC_PLUGIN the above directory need to be in
           the $PYTHONPATH
       OM: Fix systematics for e+ e- initial state.
       VH: Fix various bug in the HepMc handling related to PY8 (LO generation)
       OM: allow install maddm functionality (install ./bin/maddm executable)

2.5.0 (08/09/16)
       VH+OM: Adding an official interface to Pythia8 (parton shower) at Leading-Order
                More information at
       VH+OM+MA5: Adding an official interface to MadAnalysis5 for plotting/analysis/recasting
                More information at
       OM: Introduces a new function for LO/NLO interface "systematics"
            This function allows to compute systematics uncertainty from the event sample
            It requires the event sample to have been generated with
                - use_syst = T (for LO sample)
                - store_reweight_info = T (for NLO sample)
            At LO the code is run automatically if use_syst=T (but if SysCalc is installed)
       VH+OM: Adding the possibility to bias the event weight for LO generation via plugin.
            More informtion:
       VH+SP: extend support for CKKWL
     CODE IMPROVMENT / small feature
       OM: Modify the structure of the output format such that all the internal format have the same structure
       OM: Adding the Plugin directory. Three kind of plugin are currently supported
           - plugin defining a new type of output format
           - plugin defining a new type of cluster handling
           - plugin modifying the main interface of MG5aMCnlo
           More informations/examples are available here:
       OM: Adding the possiblity of having detailled help at the time of the edition of the cards.
            help mass / help mt / help nevents provided some information on the parameters.
       OM: NLO/LO Re-weighting works in multi-core
       OM: add an automatic update of the param_card to write the correct value for all dependent parameter.
       OM: add the check that the param_card is compatible with the model restriction.
       OM: Adding the run_card options "event_norm" for the LO run_card (same meaning as NLO one)
       VH: extend install command to install: lhapdf/pythia8
       VH: Interfaced MadLoop to COLLIER for tensor integral reduction.
       OM+VH: At the first loop/NLO computation, a new question will now be asked to choose which program
           to install to compute the loop. You can still install additional method later via the "install" command
       OM: Replace the mssm model by the MSSM_SLHA2 following the SLHA2 instead of the SLHA1 convention

       OM: Fix a bug in the helicity by helicity reweighting method. (introduced in 2.4.3)
       OM: Fix a bug in the reweight_card where relative path was not understood from the local directory
            where the program was runned by the user.


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