miniini 0.4

STL interface, loading from buffer, speedup, bugfixes

Milestone information

Ferdinand Majerech
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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File Description Downloads
download icon README.txt (md5) ReadMe (is actually asciidoc source, so there are some strange characters) 43
last downloaded 74 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.4.tar.gz (md5) Source package in tar.gz format 66
last downloaded 74 weeks ago
download icon miniini-0.4.tar.lz (md5) Source package in tar.lz format 43
last downloaded 74 weeks ago
Total downloads: 152

Release notes 

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 - Implemented sorting of INISection and INIFile data along with binary search
   resulting in about 20% speedup on average, and much faster reading of large

 - Bools are now parsed as true if a value starts by t,T,y,Y or 1 and false if
   it starts by f,F,n,N or 0.
   In the past, bools were parsed as true if value was "true", "yes" or "1" and
   false if it is "false", "no" or "0".

 - Added INISection and INIFile methods taking STL strings and vectors as
   arguments. STL support can be disabled by "make no-stl" combined with
   a definition of macro INI_NO_STL before including MiniINI header.

 - Added support for loading INIFiles from user provided buffer instead from
   file directly. This allows the user to load files e.g. from archives.

 - Logging is now disabled by default. User must provide a callback using
   INILogCallback to enable logging (logging still works only in debug build)

 - Empty ini sections or files are not ignored anymore, although they issue a
   warning if found. (if logging callback is provided)

 - Improved benchmark and regression tester and updated them according to new

 - Improved benchmarking scripts: it is now possible to provide an inifile
   defining benchmarks and inputs to use, merge data from these benchmarks
   and compare such merged data from multiple runs.


 - Fixed the logging macro bug that made compilation impossible.

 - Fixed various bugs in API documentation.

 - Fixed a bug in example where <iostream> was not included even though it was

 - Fixed a few small bugs.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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