Mistral wallaby-1 "w-1"

Milestone information

Code name:
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
1 Andras Kovi, 1 Artem Lapin, 1 Bob Haddleton, 9 Oleg Ovcharuk, 10 Renat Akhmerov, 2 ali abdelal
7 Not started, 2 Started, 2 Good progress, 1 Needs Code Review, 1 Implemented
3 New, 6 Confirmed, 8 In Progress, 1 Fix Released

13 blueprints and 18 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Docs: fill the gaps Docs: fill the gaps 4 High Renat Akhmerov  5 Started
Scale processing of "on-success", "on-error" and "on-complete" Scale processing of "on-success", "on-error" and "on-complete" 4 High Artem Lapin  9 Needs Code Review
Dynamic Python Actions Dynamic Python Actions 4 High ali abdelal  11 Implemented
Task skipping feature Task skipping feature 4 High Oleg Ovcharuk  7 Good progress
Add workflow state tracking into CLI commands Add workflow state tracking into CLI commands 3 Medium ali abdelal  1 Not started
Docs: Mistral should be included in the OpenStack install docs Docs: Mistral should be included in the OpenStack install docs 3 Medium   1 Not started
Docs: writing workflow tutorial Docs: writing workflow tutorial 3 Medium Renat Akhmerov  1 Not started
Action Providers Documentation Action Providers Documentation 3 Medium Renat Akhmerov  5 Started
Workflow dry-run functionality Workflow dry-run functionality 3 Medium Oleg Ovcharuk  1 Not started
Configuration property to deny "merge" behavior Configuration property to deny "merge" behavior 3 Medium   1 Not started
Docs: troubleshooting and debugging Docs: troubleshooting and debugging 3 Medium   1 Not started
Mistral action to parse the URL components Mistral action to parse the URL components 3 Medium   1 Not started
Support getting execution by id with specific list of fields Support getting execution by id with specific list of fields 3 Medium Oleg Ovcharuk  7 Good progress
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1843902 #1843902 Mistral should not be able to rerun task with on-error branch 3 High Oleg Ovcharuk  0 New
1878167 #1878167 Premature evaluation of "publish" if a task has "retry" with "continue-on" 3 High   0 New
1869864 #1869864 Add the parameter "files" to std.http and std.mistral_http for multipart uploads 4 Medium   0 New
1789655 #1789655 There should be a way to limit workflow executions 3 High Renat Akhmerov  6 Confirmed
1797430 #1797430 Join task fails after rerun outbound task 3 High Renat Akhmerov  6 Confirmed
1828000 #1828000 Remove leaking abstractions in policies.py 4 Medium Renat Akhmerov  6 Confirmed
1833886 #1833886 How to write a Custom Action in mistral 4 Medium Renat Akhmerov  6 Confirmed
1879266 #1879266 "with-items" tasks work several times slower if the property "concurrency" is set 4 Medium Renat Akhmerov  6 Confirmed
1886385 #1886385 Add info about "-c" option for PIP installation 4 Medium Renat Akhmerov  6 Confirmed
1699248 #1699248 The X-Target-Service-Catalog header can get too big 3 High Andras Kovi  8 In Progress
1761050 #1761050 Mistral fails to maintain a keystone session while deploying an overcloud 3 High   8 In Progress
1767352 #1767352 Timeout must fail task without retry 3 High Oleg Ovcharuk  8 In Progress
1790397 #1790397 Heartbeat ignores async actions 3 High Renat Akhmerov  8 In Progress
1796592 #1796592 Mistral wf stuck in RUNNING if the sum of task's output is more than limit 3 High Oleg Ovcharuk  8 In Progress
1797136 #1797136 Incorrect size calculation in length validator 3 High Oleg Ovcharuk  8 In Progress
1862164 #1862164 YAQL task() function ignores convert_input_data configuration 3 High Oleg Ovcharuk  8 In Progress
1761829 #1761829 AdHoc action output expressions cannot access inputs or task/workflow context 4 Medium Bob Haddleton  8 In Progress
1718214 #1718214 "fields" filter on objects (not only on collections) 4 Medium Oleg Ovcharuk  10 Fix Released
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