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The "trunk" series represents the primary line of development rather than a stable release branch. This is sometimes also called MAIN or HEAD.
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User Interface master branch
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A Trust Router is an infrastructural element used to construct multihop Application Bridging for Federated Authentication Beyond the Web (ABFAB) federations. This sub-project of Project Moonshot is focused on the development of the Trust Router infrastructure and Trust Router Protocol. A trust router is a logical ABFAB entity that exchanges information about Trust Paths that Relying Parties can use to create transtitive chains of trust across multihop ABFAB federations. The Trust Router Protocol is the mechanism used by two Trust Routers to exchange information about Trust Links and Trust Paths. The Trust Router Protocol, in conjunction with the Temporary Identity Protocol, can be used to enable multihop ABFAB federations without requiring a centralized Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
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