* Refactor the whole Movim sourcecode + clean old code
* Quite all the Movim widgets are now using a full MVC system
* Rewrite the core session manager (Sessionx)
* Add a new localisation system + new translations
* Move the Movim librairies and dependencies to Composer and convert Modl and Moxl to PSR-0 to simplify the loading and packaging of the libraries
* Monolog is now the new log library for Movim
* Lots of warnings fixed
* Add WebRTC threw Jingle audio-video conferencing
* Make the UI fully responsible (from smartphone to FullHD screens)
* The Roster widget has been totally rewriten
* New picture library manager (with new thumbnail generation system)
* Better MUC integration in the Chat widget
* Rich text messages are now supported in the Chat widget
* Add Vcard4 (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0292.html) support in the profile
* Implement the new official Movim API (https://api.movim.eu/)
* Huge sourcecode optimisation
* Rewrite the Administration panel and split it in many little widgets
* Move the full configuration system to the database (except the database credentials)
* List all the Movim network pods on a new page
* Move the all UI to OpenSans
* Add Title support during post publication
* New statistics page for the administrators
* Rewrite the infos page and move it to a widget, move the data structure from XML to JSON
* Use SASL2 library (https://github.com/edhelas/sasl2) for the XMPP authentication and add SCRAM-SHA1 mechanism support
* Split the Profile form in 3 littles forms (general, avatar and localisation)
* Rewrite the Explore page
* Move from XML to JSON for the browser-server requests
* Update the locales