msmtp-scripts "Q First"

* Fix continuing issues with selinux and sending queued mail due to needing too many permissions, not to mention problems with permissions on /etc/msmtprc for non-root daemons/processes attempting to send mail.
We do this by adding a new MSMTP_QUEUE_FIRST boolean that becomes the default for mtmpq-ng-mta, which only queues on initial 'sendmail' and depends on a root queue-runner to actually deliver the mail.

* Fix lock contention for processes that send mail with a process that is sending mail (e.g. a cronjob that sends mail by itself when cron is opening a mail session that sends the output of the cronjob, if any). We do this by making per message locks, rather than lock the entire directory.

* Fix covereage assessment issues by reworking how kcov is called.

Milestone information

Code name:
Q First
Daniel D.
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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1 Implemented
2 Fix Released

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Release notes 

* Queue first by default (means don't send on initial queue, let the queue runner take care of it).
* Switch to per-message locking


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1 blueprint and 2 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Use per-message locks instead of spool directory lock Use per-message locks instead of spool directory lock 4 High   11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1842507 #1842507 Mailing from within a cronjob deadlocks 3 High   10 Fix Released
1842507 #1842507 Mailing from within a cronjob deadlocks 3 High   10 Fix Released
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