mysqltuner first-release

Milestone information

Sheeri K. Cabral
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1 Sheeri K. Cabral
1 Unknown
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download icon mysqltuner-2.0-rev13.tar.gz (md5, sig) First release tarball of 251
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Total downloads: 251

Release notes 

(Contents of the README file)

Pythian's MySQL Tuner ( MySQL Tuner name used with the permission of the original mysq
ltuner creator, Major Hayden.

This version of mysqltuner uses a configuration file where you can change the thresholds, add new variables/calculations
 to check, and custom tune the recommendations output.

There is a default config file in this package, to use it, run: --config tuner-default.cnf

By default, will ask for a username and password and connect to the mysqld instance on localhost. You can
 use the following options to to set the mysqld instance to connect to:

--host <hostname> Host to connect to for data retrieval (default: localhost)
--port <port> Port to use for connection (default: 3306)
--socket <socket> Socket to connect to for data retrieval
--user <username> Username to use for authentication
--pass <password> Password to use for authentication

Remote operation:
By default, will try to get local information for memory, swap, and whether the operating system is 32 or
64-bit. If you are connecting to a remote mysqld instance, you should set the following three options:

--forcemem <size> Use this amount of RAM in Mb instead of getting local memory size
--forceswap <size> Amount of swap memory configured in megabytes
--forcearch 32|64 Architecture of operating system (32-bit or 64-bit)

Offline operation: can work in an offline mode by using information inside of files, instead of querying the server itself.
To use offline mode, first obtain the information desired in one or more files, such as:

mysql -e "SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES" > vars.txt
mysql -e "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS" > status.txt

The files must contain 2 fields (variable name and value) separated by whitespace (ie, a space or tab).
You should also use --forcemem, --forceswap and --forcearch when operating in offline mode (see Remote operation)
to avoid spurious errors. The --filelist option takes one or more filenames (comma-separated).

  Sample offline operation:
  perl --config tuner-default.cnf --forcemem 16384 --forceswap 2048 --forcearch 64 \
  --filelist vars.txt,status.txt
The following options may be able to help if you get stuck:
    --help Shows this help message
    --debug debugging output will be shown

README last changed 2009-12-03.


This release does not have a changelog.

1 blueprint and 0 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Modify the original mysqltuner Modify the original mysqltuner 1 Undefined Sheeri K. Cabral  0 Unknown
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