NUnit Extended Testing Platform 2.6.0b2

Milestone information

NUnit Extended Testing Platform


Assigned to you:
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30 Charlie Poole, 1 Simone Busoli
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
31 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 31 bugs targeted

Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
885277 #885277 Exception when project calls for a runtime using only 2 digits NUnit V2 NUnit V2 2 Critical Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
625672 #625672 NUnit GUI bounces to background on reload NUnit V2 NUnit V2 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
766749 #766749 net-2.0\nunit-console-x86.exe.config should have a <startup /> element and also enable loadFromRemoteSources NUnit V2 NUnit V2 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
878955 #878955 ParameterizedTest not in their parent test-suite when FixtureSetup fails in .xml result file NUnit V2 NUnit V2 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
882517 #882517 NUnit 2.5.10 doesn't recognize TestFixture if there are only TestCaseSource inside NUnit V2 NUnit V2 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
883271 #883271 Reload Tests sometimes "loses" tests NUnit V2 NUnit V2 3 High Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
602761 #602761 nunit-agent hangs after tests complete NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
676560 #676560 Assert.AreEqual does not support IEquatable<T> NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Simone Busoli  10 Fix Released
697329 #697329 NUnit tries to test disabled projects NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
709062 #709062 "System.ArgumentException : Cannot compare" when the element is a list NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
712156 #712156 Tests cannot use AppDomain.SetPrincipalPolicy NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
785460 #785460 Add Category parameter to TestCaseSourceAttribute NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
800089 #800089 Assert.Throws() hides details of inner AssertionException NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
836080 #836080 Log Directory shown incorrectly in settings dialog NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
836360 #836360 When size of the Gui window is reduced, test result info may not fit in the field provided NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
841894 #841894 UI won't run tests marked Explicit from the context menu NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
878376 #878376 Add 'Exactly(n)' to the NUnit constraint syntax NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
881617 #881617 Tests with invalid category attributes should be more visible NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
885604 #885604 Feature request: Explicit named parameter to TestCaseAttribute NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
887005 #887005 NUnit.exe ignores categories when using /run option NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
890129 #890129 DelayedConstraint doesn't appear to poll properties of objects NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
890384 #890384 When font is enlarged, layout of settings pages is incorrect NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
891237 #891237 When font is enlarged, gui Test Result disappears and suite name is truncated NUnit V2 NUnit V2 4 Medium Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
657801 #657801 Help URL should not be in config file NUnit V2 NUnit V2 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
697069 #697069 Feature request: dynamic location for TestResult.xml NUnit V2 NUnit V2 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
770471 #770471 Assert.IsEmpty does not support IEnumerable NUnit V2 NUnit V2 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
794115 #794115 HashSet incorrectly reported NUnit V2 NUnit V2 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
878899 #878899 Changing logging level has no effect until NUnit is restarted NUnit V2 NUnit V2 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
882137 #882137 When no tests are run, higher level suites display as Inconclusive NUnit V2 NUnit V2 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
891265 #891265 Add /cleanup to nunit-console.exe NUnit V2 NUnit V2 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released
891326 #891326 Non-runnable and statically ignored tests should disable the Run item on the context menu NUnit V2 NUnit V2 5 Low Charlie Poole  10 Fix Released

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