KDE OpenObject Client 5.0.1 "vida"

Milestone information

KDE OpenObject Client
Code name:
Albert Cervera i Areny - http://www.NaN-tic.com
Release registered:
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File Description Downloads
download icon koo-setup.exe (md5) Windows installer 318
last downloaded 68 weeks ago
download icon koo-5.0.1.tar.bz2 (md5) Koo package 68
last downloaded 68 weeks ago
download icon koo_5.0.1_all.deb (md5) Debian Stable Package 59
last downloaded 68 weeks ago
download icon koo_5.0.1_all-unstable.deb (md5) Debian Unstable Package 38
last downloaded 68 weeks ago
download icon smart_attach.zip (md5) Smart Attach module 77
last downloaded 68 weeks ago
download icon pyro.zip (md5) Pyro module 90
last downloaded 67 weeks ago
download icon maps.zip (md5) Maps module 75
last downloaded 71 weeks ago
download icon fts-indexes.zip (md5) Full Text Search indexes module 75
last downloaded 64 weeks ago
download icon full_text_search.zip (md5) Full Text Search module 83
last downloaded 69 weeks ago
download icon koo.zip (md5) Koo module 98
last downloaded 68 weeks ago
download icon jasper_reports.zip (md5) Jasper Reports module 529
last downloaded 68 weeks ago
download icon changelog-5.0.1.html (md5) Changelog 229
last downloaded 64 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,739

Release notes 

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View the full changelog

Changelog from 5.0 (r1176) to 5.0.1 (r1239):

Koo Fixes:
- Fixed encoding of French translations.
- [FIX] Convert file name to unicode so users can use filenames with special characters when exporting records.
- Fixed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject-client-kde/+bug/501849. Patch by Borja López Soilán.
- [FIX] Fixed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject-client-kde/+bug/491974: error creating data template with GTK client.
- [FIX] Fixed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject-client-kde/+bug/496638: No way to add a *new* record from a many2many widget if there is one (and just one) record.
- Fixed bug in ReferenceFieldWidget. Creating a new record didn't work properly.
- Fixed bug in Serial plugin.
- FIX: Properly handle special characters such as '@' in usernames and passwords.
- Fix jrxml2pot.
- Refix the "tabs_position" thingy: I really need a break.
- Fixed bug added when trying to make "tabs_position" field required.
- Fixed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject-client-kde/+bug/485407: Restore database dialog shows "Delete a database". Patch by Borja López Soilán (Pexego).
- full_text_search security fixes: Read access checks were not properly implemented and some information might be leaked to unauthorized users. This commit fixes it for normal models and attachments which are treated a little bit different to ease the creation of access rules (it's not necessary to handle attachments in a different separately, but access to the attachment will only be available if the user has access to the record it is attached to).

Koo Improvements:
- Updated launchpad translations.
- Updated translation templates.
- Updated version number to 5.0.1.
- Ensure the version of python used to create the installer is 2.6 in case there are other versions in the system.
- Improved windows installer. Support silent install.
- Improved setup.py: Removed unknown options and create script file only on non-windows platforms (cause the script is named 'koo' and there's already the 'Koo' directory and windows' case insensitivity doesn't like it).
- Initialize Plugins in KooMainWindow.__init__() instead of delaying it to the first screen loaded. This allows some plugins (such as SerialBarcodeScanner) to be available in Login dialog, allowing users to use a barcode instead of typing their login.
- Improved changelog.sh script to create valid .rst output.
- Added changelog.sh which helps in creating changlog files.
- Increase mouse wheel delta in FullTextSearchDialog.
- Disable focus on translation buttons.
- Add semantic information before printing/opening it to avoid exceptions in some systems. Thanks go to Borja López Soilán for tracking the issue.
- Changed all QMessageBox and use our own translatable texts to buttons instead of relaying on Qt default ones.
- Workarround for cases in which domain={} (which should never be in theory, of course).
- Removed koo start script.
- Do not start requests timer if update frequency is smaller or equal to zero. Per wish https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject-client-kde/+bug/499442.
- A couple of login improvements:
- - Support for a new server feature (5.2). The server may return False instead of a list of databases.
- In this case we show a text widget to let the user introduce the database manually.
- - If there are no databases available, show the "Create Database" and "Restore Database" buttons in the
- login dialog to ease the job to new users.
- Added optimization for searches with filter [('id','in',[])] which is quite usual in one2many and many2many fields. This should always (except if programmers had to hack something) return an empty list, so no need to query the server.
- Improved debian installer: added xdg-utils dependency and pyserial as suggests.
- Added small script to help creating debian package and modules zip files.
- Created files necessary to build a debian package.
- Update login.ui so it works with PyQt 4.4.
- Check if field content is a valid URL to decide whether we use field's value as URL or Web Content.
- Full text search improvements: Now if indexed model is 'ir.ui.menu' it's opened as an action instead of a normal model. Als added a new shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T which automatically searches current selected text.
- Added function to read language from the registry (as set by the installer). Also, due to the fact that loading two languages doesn't seem to work on windows, we try to load the language from default locations the first time too.
- Improved installer: let users choose language and store installer's language in the registry.
- Set koo's language as default language for new databases.
- Use threads instead of cron jobs to update meta information. (Untested).
- Allow adding and substracting float times. Now the following is a valid input for float time fields: 0:30+0:15.
- Added database name in system tray's tooltip.
- Updated nan.qss.
- enhancement in itself but allows the new i18n.jar to be used inside iReport, and thus make translations
- workable under the designer.
- Extracted latest translatable strings.
- In module koo: Make tabs_position field required.
- In FormWidget.py: improve performance by avoiding querying the server for the number of attachments unless the current record has actually changed.
- In FormWidget.py: improve performance by avoiding querying the server for the number of attachments unless the current record has actually changed.

Jasper Reports Fixes:
- [FIX] jasper_reports: Do not require a jasperpid to be defined.
- jasper_reports: Fixed bug introduced in previous commit. That's what happens when you don't check syntax before committing :(
- jasper_reports: Fixed code comment.
- BUGFIX: jasper_reports: remove unnecessary line which supposed that the report would have a parser which is not necessarily true.
- jasper_reports: Fixed bug in I18nGroovyCompiler.java: JRExpression.getChunks() may return null.

Jasper Reports Improvements:
- [IMP] jasper_reports: Allow configuring the port where the jasper server listens to. Also allow creating a pidfile with java's process id. Configurable in openerp server config file with parameters 'jasperport' and 'jasperpid' respectively.
- jasper_reports: Made JasperServer a little bit more verbose.
- jasper_reports: Remove demo report .jasper file.
- jasper_reports: Make JasperServer listen only on localhost.
- jasper_reports: Try to be smarter in case the developer is using a <report/> tag and overriding an existing one.
- jasper_reports: Remove unused code.
- jasper_reports: Allow passing the port as an argument to the java executable.
- jasper_reports: Added support for new property OPENERP_COPIES_FIELD which allows repeating records by a given field value.
- jasper_reports: Added a new 'User' relation to the XML template that allows using any information of the user executing the report. This can be used as a workarround to obtain company's information for orders and pickings, for example.
- jasper_reports: Return source strings in tr() functions when system has not been initialized.
- jasper_reports: Move all java code to a new package: com.nantic.jasperreports. This is not a great

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