OpenShot Video Editor 2.3.3

Milestone information

OpenShot Video Editor
Jonathan Thomas
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download icon openshot-qt-2.3.3.tar.gz (md5) openshot-qt Source Code 563
last downloaded 55 weeks ago
Total downloads: 563

Release notes 

- New release! Bumping version to 2.3.3, and libopenshot depenency to 0.1.6
- Adding CFBundlePackageType key to Info.plist, and symlinking a few files which I don't think are considered executable in the AppBundle. This is an experiment.
- Updated supporters and donors file
- Updated translations and improved translation test script (which validates all string replacements are found in translations)
- Fixed SpaceMovie 3D animated title alpha keyframes, and adjusted the position of the main title to be better centered when it appears.
- Fixing bug when selecting effect on a clip (where selection dropdown would not populate)
- Fixed bug on certain systems when loading list of all supported languages. Fixed backup recovery issue which would not refresh the timeline on load. Fixed bug destroying the lock file (if another process already deleted the lock file). Added c++ exception parsing from archived exception data.
- Improvements to error parsing script
- Adding a script to parse and aggregate error logs for OpenShot
- Another attempt to fix the race condition causing the "zipimport.ZipImportError: can't decompress data; zlib not available" when launching a frozen version of OpenShot. Also fixing a common error on the title editor (caused by a missing font-style).
- Protecting query classes more, to prevent invalid clip/tran/effect ids from crashing
- Removing NVideo driver from AppImage (build server)


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