OpenStack Core Infrastructure diablo-4

Work to coincide with diablo-4

Milestone information

OpenStack Core Infrastructure
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
2 James E. Blair, 7 Monty Taylor
3 Not started, 5 Started, 1 Good progress
No bugs are targeted to this milestone.

9 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Add GIT projects to Jenkins Add GIT projects to Jenkins 5 Essential James E. Blair  5 Started
Support GIT based projects Support GIT based projects 5 Essential James E. Blair  7 Good progress
Documentation Deployment Automation Documentation Deployment Automation 4 High Monty Taylor  5 Started
Integrate with Bare Metal Testing Integrate with Bare Metal Testing 4 High Monty Taylor  5 Started
Document automation and tooling systems Document automation and tooling systems 3 Medium Monty Taylor  1 Not started
Packaging needs for CI work Packaging needs for CI work 3 Medium Monty Taylor  1 Not started
Enhance the current state of Jenkins Enhance the current state of Jenkins 3 Medium Monty Taylor  5 Started
Provide basic functional smoketesting infrastructure Provide basic functional smoketesting infrastructure 3 Medium Monty Taylor  5 Started
Code Coverage Should Not Be Allowed to Decrease Code Coverage Should Not Be Allowed to Decrease 2 Low Monty Taylor  1 Not started
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