Recent Releases
Written for OpenVista by Ben Mehling on 2009-08-30
We have recently rolled out a number of releases in several of our projects -- given the number of releases, we felt a site wide announcement was warranted.
OpenVista CIS RC2
* 0.9.96 includes corrections and enhancements
* Performance improvements
* Binaries and source available, as well as in the open repository
OpenVista Server 1.5 SP2
* Service Pack 2 includes a number corrections and enhancements
* OVID, GT.M Integration patches included by default
* Based on community feedback and the shared coreVistA project, core modules are now licensed under LGPL
* Cache.dat, GT.M imports and KIDS builds are all available
OV/GT.M Integration 0.8.5
* Latest updates, fixes to HL7 and Broker management
* Debian packages now available, with the RPMs
OpenVista Appliance r5
* Includes all the above releases, source and binaries
* 0.9.0 OVID + Patient Dashboard
* Xubuntu 9.04, latest GT.M, etc.
* Be sure to vote on the virtual machine format we use in future releases!