orange-box (1.0-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low
* Initial packaging
* debian/postinst:
- move some of the setup maas configuration into the postinst
* etc/apt/mirror.list => etc/apt/orange-box-mirror.list,
etc/cron.d/apt-mirror => etc/cron.d/orange-box-mirror:
- don't step on apt-mirror's default configuration file
* === added directory etc/maas, debian/control, debian/postinst,
etc/cron.d/orange-box-mirror, etc/maas/import_pxe_files:
- add openssh-server as a dependency (which is not necessarily
installed if we start from an Ubuntu desktop
- refactor and expand the logic in postinst, ensure idempotency,
add networking support
- fix error in mirror cronjob
- add import pxe conf file
* debian/postinst, etc/network/interfaces.example, === removed
directory etc/network:
- add logic for getting the api key
- setup maas admin first
- fix syntax error in boot resources setup
- remove the deprecated network interfaces sample
* debian/control, debian/postinst, usr/share/orange-
box/nodelists/CloudFive-nodelist => usr/share/orange-
box/nodelists/OrangeBox05, usr/share/orange-box/nodelists/CloudFour-
nodelist => usr/share/orange-box/nodelists/OrangeBox04,
usr/share/orange-box/nodelists/CloudTwo-nodelist =>
usr/share/orange-box/nodelists/OrangeBox02, usr/share/orange-
- add some dependencies for other tools we'll need
+ byobu, iptables-persistent, juju-core, wsmancli
- try to list the maas network interfaces first, and keep trying
until we can, and then update the network interfaces
- make sure boot-resources symlink does not yet exist
- generate an ssh key for the ubuntu user, and add it to maas
- setup a juju environment for maas
- rename all of the nodelists, to OrangeBox[00-05]
* debian/postinst, usr/bin/orange-box-setup-nat:
- rework our setup-nat script a bit; tested and working as
designed, at this point
* usr/bin/orange-box-add-all-nodes, usr/bin/orange-box-fastpath:
- update add-all-nodes logic, use a small shell replacement for
the fastpath python script; also tested and working as designed,
at this point
* debian/control, debian/postinst, debian/preinst, etc/apache2/sites-
available/archive.conf, etc/apache2/sites-available/ubuntu-
cloud.conf, usr/bin/orange-box-add-all-nodes, usr/lib/orange-
- add nmap, useful for telling which nodes have AMT listening
- use set -x on a couple of our scripts for now
- wait a few seconds to ensure networking is ready
- disable nat setup for now
- disable the default apache site, restart instead of reload
- fix conditional syntax error
- add all nodes in the postinst
- add a preinst file that sets some debconf questions
- update apache site configuration for apache 2.4, ffs
- make add-all-nodes more robust
- fix some maas-cli calls
* debian/postinst, debian/preinst:
- move the networking setup to preinst
-- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Fri, 11 Apr 2014 07:20:25 -0500