PaGeDo, « Partage et Gestion de Documents »: "Document sharing and management", is a web file manager for intranet. The interface allows uploads, downloads, previews and management of files.
It was developed at UMR Environnement & Grandes Cultures, a research unit of the French institute INRA, to share the files with guaranty of data durability and security.
PaGeDo is where you search, get, organize and share documents.
A guided tour helps newcomers to discover the application.
The application is translated to several languages (see Translations).
Authentication is done by credentials (login, password) or LDAP or IP (with external file).
Only the owner and people associated to the groups can modify the file.
The interface (HTML5) uses right clicks and drag and drops to manage the files.
Heavy files can be integrated throw a share directory.
File previews are generated: the first page of the file is displayed.
The file hierarchy is the same on the file system and in the interface, allowing using
Tags and links allows organization.
File search matches file names and file contents.
You can follow the recent published files subscribing the RSS feed.
The ORM library is RedBeanPHP.
LibreOffice (and some other programs) is used to extract previews and text from office files.
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1322170: Directory description never set using the form
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Bug #1301193: file/delete : add more warning about consequences of file deletion
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Bug #1297672: "rename" link in drop-down menu does not work
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Bug #1249650: .xlsx files with MIME-type "application/zip" aren't reported in admin/statistics
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Bug #1249223: MIME-type "application/x-shockwave-flash" not handled by pagedo\MediaFile