PulseAudio Mixer Applet 0.2.0

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PulseAudio Mixer Applet
Vassili Geronimos
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download icon pulseaudio-mixer-applet-0.2.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code 175
last downloaded 64 weeks ago
Total downloads: 175

Release notes 

New features since the 0.1 series:
* Launch a full mixer (pavucontrol) from the right click menu of the applet
* Supports adjusting device volumes in decibels if the underlying hardware supports it
* Icons for all devices and applications, including an indicator for networked devices and applications
* Clearer naming of networked devices
* Monitors of output devices will show below input devices
* Local devices will show above networked devices, and networked devices will be sorted by host name. Applications are sorted the same way
* Applications that record to perform peak detection will not be shown in the list of recording applications
* The button to move an application between devices will show the icon of the device it is currently using
* The normal volume (unattenuated/unamplified) of each device is shown

PulseAudio 0.9.15 and GTK+ 2.16.0 are now required to use this applet.


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