News and announcements

Source Code Tarballs Switching To .tar.xz

Written for elementary by Cody Garver on 2015-06-25

From now on most source code tarballs will only be available in .tar.xz

Pantheon Print 0.1.2 Released

Written for Pantheon Print by Cody Garver on 2015-04-11

New version of pantheon-print is out!

Pantheon Print is here

Written for Pantheon Print by Andrea Basso on 2012-04-21

Today Pantheon Print gets usable and is available for testing.
Pantheon Print aims at solving the problems our old print contract had (eg: lack of an option dialog, margins next to zero and horrible font). Even though it still isn't feature-complete, it can be used for printing text without many problems.

On the other hand, it's a young project and it's been tested with only one printer, so it's likely there will be some bugs. Please, TEST and report any problem you encounter, it can be found in the daily PPA with the package name "pantheon-print".

In the next days, support for other mime types and page numbering will be added.

Contributor Meeting 7

Written for elementary by Cassidy James Blaede on 2012-02-10

Be sure to attend this week's elementary Contributor Meeting held via IRC in #elementary-dev on at 18:00 UTC on Saturday, February 11, 2012 (that's tomorrow!). You may view and add to the working agenda on Google Docs at this link:

The headlining topics expected to be discussed are: the upcoming feature freeze for Luna; the status of individual elementary projects; Granite; and BeatBox's current status/development plan. Additional topics may be added before the meeting as well.

Please drop by, chime in, and let's kick some butt!

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