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XtraBackup Release 1.0

Written for Percona XtraBackup moved to by Aleksandr Kuzminsky on 2009-12-10

The version 1.0 of XtraBackup is released.
As of 1.0 XtraBackup is supported on Windows.

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XtraBackup Release 0.9.5rc

Written for Percona XtraBackup moved to by Aleksandr Kuzminsky on 2009-10-25

We are pleased to announce the release 0.9.5rc of XtraBackup.

In this release there are following changes:

    * Option --no-lock is added to innobackupex-1.5.1. Use it only while ALL your
      tables are InnoDB and you DO NOT CARE about binary log
      position of backup
    * XtraBackup is ported for InnoDB Plugin 1.0.4. Barracuda file format as well as compressed tables are supported. We thank a well known Social Network site for the sponsorship.
    * Windows conscious change more
    * Impoved error messages in innobackupex
    * Windows conscious experimental change
    * Suppress purge when --stats
    * Build number in RPM name. For instance, in the name xtrabackup-0.9.5rc-50.rhel5.x86_64.rpm 50 is the build number.
    * Suppress master_thread ibuf operations for --stats
    * Suppress ibuf operations for --stats
    * fFx fatal bug at --backup when added --stats
    * New option --stats to gather index stats
    * Fixed some bugs for a 32bit platform

Fixed bugs:

    * Bug #435634 in Percona-XtraBackup: "xtrabackup can't write to a file on windows"
    * Bug #437788 in Percona-XtraBackup: "xtrabackup.exe can't write to a file"
    * Bug #386535 in Percona-XtraBackup: "ibbackup_binlog_marker bug still persists"
    * Bug #402884 in Percona-XtraBackup: "tries to create temporary tables in relative ./tmp directory"
    * Bug #417178 in Percona-XtraBackup: "can't backup tables with $ in name"

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