Performous 1.2.0

Now for real an official new version where we patched a couple of things from the rc1 version.

It's been quite some time we've made a release (almost 6 years). Within this release we've mainly stabilized Performous and focused on automation and solving bugs.
However there are also a few new features within this release!

Read the full list at:

Milestone information

Gregorio Litenstein
Release registered:
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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File Description Downloads
download icon Performous-1.2.0-ubuntu2204.deb (md5) performous-1.2.0-ubuntu22.04 14
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
download icon Performous-1.2.0-ubuntu2004.deb (md5) performous-1.2.0-ubuntu20.04 13
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
download icon performous-1.2.0.tar.gz (md5) performous-1.2.0-source 12
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
Total downloads: 39

Release notes 

* Webserver overhaul (@Baklap4)
* Not enabled on Windows builds.
* Add song paths in game (@nieknooijens)
* Configurable playlist duration (@nieknooijens)
* Audio system overhaul (@Lord-Kamina)
* Added Pro Mode to the drums (@earlye)
* Metadata caching (@Baklap4)
* Changing languages from within the menu (@Baklap4)
* Windows installer (@Baklap4)
* Improved frequency detection while singing (@Tronic)
* Note graph scaling: Static, dynamic (@twollgam)
* Difficulty levels for singing (@isadofschi)
* Proper support for Hi-DPI displays (@Lord-Kamina)
* Auto-merging of duet tracks (@Lord-Kamina)


View the full changelog

* Changing languages from within the menu (@Baklap4)
* Windows installer (@Baklap4)
* Improved frequency detection while singing (@Tronic)
* Note graph scaling: Static, dynamic (@twollgam)
* Difficulty levels for singing (@isadofschi)
* Proper support for Hi-DPI displays (@Lord-Kamina)
* Auto-merging of duet tracks (@Lord-Kamina)
* Remembering sort order (@nieknooijens)
* Fullscreen mode on MacOS (@Tronic)
* Fix a crash in playlist screen when there was an empty playlist (@nieknooijens)
* Several memory leaks (@OznOg)
* Shortcuts in game representation (@Baklap4)
* Path screen selection on top (@OznOg)
* Devices were off by one (@OznOg)
* Missing cache entries (@OznOg)
* Autodetecting webcam (@Baklap4)
* Pitchwave order is now based on score. Highest gets shown on top (@Baklap4)
* Fix a crash where a player gets more than 10k points (@Baklap4)
* Nav keys getting stuck (@Tronic)
* Fixed a couple missing glyphs in the Goblin One font (@Lord-Kamina)
* Updated version of Droid Sans font (@Lord-Kamina)
* Default aspect ratio is now 16:9 (@Lord-Kamina)
* Fix backward audio seeking (@OznOg)
* Better error handling with corrupt files (@OznOg)

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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