pollinate 4.14

Milestone information

Dustin Kirkland 
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pollinate (4.14-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  * pollinate, pollinate.1: LP: #1554152
    - change the failure mode of pollinate, so as to more cleanly
      tolerate network failures
    - add a --strict option to re-enable the previous behavior,
      ie, strictly exit non-zero if pollinate fails for any reason
    - we've always promised that pollinate would operate on a best-effort
      basis, improving the prng seeding when possible, but failing
      gracefully when not possible; as such, we've made good on the first
      half of that promise, however, the latter half has proven
      troublesome; this is due to the fact that if pollinate exits
      non-zero, then its callers (cloud-init, maas, etc.) may well
      interpret the behavior strictly as a failure to boot the system,
      when in fact that's not the case; instead, we'll clearly print
      a warning to syslog, and we'll retry the seeding on next pollinate
      service start (e.g. a reboot); moreover, we'll carry a --strict
      flag in the case that users want to opt into the previous behavior

 -- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Mon, 07 Mar 2016 15:32:49 -0600

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