pollinate 4.22

Milestone information

Dustin Kirkland 
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pollinate (4.22-0ubuntu1) yakkety; urgency=medium

  * debian/pollinate.default, pollinate: LP: #1604155
    - fix a couple of bugs affecting how long pollinate takes, and if
      it actually completes successfully
    - dpkg -l is way faster than apt-cache, when there is no apt cache
    - wait a maximum of 10 seconds
    - only log to stderr if in an interactive terminal; otherwise, just
      log to syslog
      + this fixes the odd double-printing to /var/log/syslog
    - optimize obtaining version strings by saving one pipe per call
    - source /etc/lsb/release and use $DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION, rather
      than calling lsb-release (python, can be slow)
    - add -m (max-timeout) back to curl options; removing this option
      has caused network failures in various strange ways
    - when network fails due to timeout, log accordingly
    - ignore cloud-init package not found; it's optional

 -- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Mon, 29 Aug 2016 22:23:37 -0500

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