pollinate 4.28

Milestone information

Dustin Kirkland 
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Release notes 

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pollinate (4.28-0ubuntu1) bionic; urgency=medium

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * pollinate:
    - add hypervisor to useragent string
  * debian/pollinate.postinst:
    - ensure that the pollinate user owns /var/cache/pollinate;
      to be safe, we're going to do this just after the mkdir, and
      after the adduser;
      this avoids the warning:
      + adduser: Warning: The home directory /var/cache/pollinate
        does not belong to the user you are currently creating.

  [ Steve Langasek ]
  * Minor enhancements to pollinate runtime:
    - dpkg | awk is unnecessary, dpkg-query --showformat does this
  * dpkg -l is a fairly heavyweight operation (.1s); ask logger directly
    what its version number is (.01s)

  [ Scott Moser ]
  * pollinate:
    - Add cloud image build info and data in /etc/pollinate/add-user-agent.
    - Use systemd-detect-virt and namespace virt/<type> in useragent

 -- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Tue, 30 Jan 2018 16:31:24 -0600

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